Chapter 14

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Namjoon looked around the book cafe, he lost his sight of you. He thought you were at the table but you're not. He started to become panicked before caught you reading while sitting on top of box. He sighed in relieved. He stared at you for awhile before took out his phone. He took a picture of you, secretly. 

He smiled to himself while staring at your picture, he knew he will be in trouble if you know but he will keep it to himself

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He smiled to himself while staring at your picture, he knew he will be in trouble if you know but he will keep it to himself. He chuckled to himself, realizing that he seems like a creepy stalker. You just read silently, still not realizing that Namjoon took a picture of you. Namjoon sat in front of you, so that both of you were facing each other. You looked up from the book, stared at him blankly. He smiled at you make you flushed in red again.

You looked at your book, slightly freaking out in the inside

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You looked at your book, slightly freaking out in the inside. Namjoon laughed at you before ruffled your hair.

"You're so cute"Namjoon said to you while laughing, you rolled your eyes at him even though the blush still visible on your cheeks.

"Could you stop being weird?"You said to him while 'focusing' back on the book. Namjoon chuckled loudly make you scoffed.

"Why should I?"Namjoon piped at you, you looked at him with flat look.

"Because you're being disgusting"

"You liked it, why should I?"Namjoon said, caught you red-handed but acted like nothing happened on the outside.

"You have no proof to said that I liked it"You mumbled while reading the book.

"The blushing is enough"Namjoon teased you, you just stared at the book while smiling to yourself.

"Whatever"You said to him, acted like didn't care at all. Namjoon just chuckled at you. His phone rang as you continued to read your book in front of him. He stared at his phone before let out a smile.

 He stared at his phone before let out a smile

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