Chapter 21

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"Let's go home." You whine. Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"This is 10th time you've said that." Namjoon scoffed at you. You leaned on his side, putting all your weight. He groan.


"Not yet." You whined again. You both have walked around the mall and now your feet hurt. You looked around the mall until a shop caught your eyes. You dragged Namjoon with strength that you has. Namjoon chuckle.

Your hands immediately grabbed a notebook with sunshine flower sketch on the book. You caressed the book.

"You already have a lot of notebooks that you still didn't touch." You pout as you held the book close to your chest.

"This book is pretty." You mumble. He shake his head at you while crossing his arms over his chest. You always have that habit where you can't leave a book shop without buying notebook even though you have a bundle of it.

"Please." You widened your eyes on purpose.

"Still no."

"Please please please."

"I will kiss you if you're asking again." You rolled your eyes at him.

"Nice joke. Please." You plead again.

"I told you." Namjoon planted a kiss on your forehead make you froze.

"Now put it back before I kiss you again." You glared at him. You slumped your shoulders as you put the notebook back. You just stood there while staring at the ground, pouting.

"Come on, let's go." Namjoon grabbed your hand. He was dragging you since you're still sulky about the notebook.

"Let's eat something." You entered a restaurant, you sit quietly at the table. Namjoon chuckle. A waiter arrived at your table. Namjoon ordered for you. The waiter walked away. You yawned beside Namjoon before leaned on his side.

"Sleepy?" You nod. Namjoon just ruffled your hair. You closed your eyes for awhile, somewhat you always likes the feeling when someone touch your hair.

You opened your eyes. You stared at his hand that was on his lap. You can't deny, you loved his hand. The second thing you know is that, you're playing with his hand as he just let you. You compared your hand with his. You frowned, his hand bigger than yours. Namjoon laugh.

"Don't laugh." You snapped at him. He was still laughing beside you.

"It's not even funny."

"I know but it's cute to see that your hands are really small." You rolled your eyes at him. The waiter arrived back with foods make you sat up straight.


You stared at outside of the window as Namjoon drove to god-know-where. Without your knowing, you started to sing at the music playing. Namjoon just chuckle.

"Where are we going?" You ask.

"Anywhere because I'm bored." You squinted your eyes at him.

"You're not going to kidnap me aren't you?" Namjoon laughed at your question while his eyes glued to the road.

"You're my wife, why should I? Beside what I'm gonna do to you if I kidnap you?" You rolled your eyes at him. You slumped in the seat. Your eyelids soon became heavy before you drifted to dream land.


You slowly opened your eyes, realized Namjoon wasn't beside you. You sat up straight immediately as your eyes roamed trying to find Namjoon. You didn't see him at all, you got out from the car. You frowned as you looked around.

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