Chapter 12

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You sat on the couch once you both arrived. Namjoon took out your phone from his suit, he stared at it for awhile while frowning. You raised an eyebrow at him.

"You have Hoseok's number?"Namjoon asked while looked at you weirdly. You rolled your eyes at him before stood from the couch, heading towards him.

"We exchanged numbers, duh"You hissed at him before reached your phone out. He raised your phone out from your reach make you glared at him.

"Well fuck you, give me my phone back"You said to him while stomping your feet. He just smirked at you.

"Tell me, why you have his number?"

"Tell me, why I can't?"You said to him, his playful expression immediately fell as he handed you, your phone back before headed to his room. You just stared at his back before shrugged your shoulder. You headed back to your room. You took a shower after a day spent at the wedding. You stared at the bathroom wall while sat in the bath tub, let your body rested.

You immediately thought of Hoseok, you just didn't know why. He just caught your attention at first but you didn't have any feelings for him. He were so kind to you, like an angel. You let out a sigh. You smiled to yourself, if your mother was there with you. She'll scolded you for always sigh. You missed your home.

You stepped out from your room, somewhat felt tired of staying in your room. When you just about to climbed the stairs down, you heard a crash from the kitchen. You immediately ran to the kitchen.

Namjoon huffed angrily before crouched down, picking the glass that broken. You just shook your head seeing him. You stared at him silently when he accidentally cut his finger with the glass. You crouched down before him, picking the glass silently.

"You're a clumsy person. So it's better if you step out from the kitchen" You said to him as he pouted while watching you silently. You threw the glass before stared at his hand, he just let the blood flowed. You grabbed the first-aid kit before took out a band-aid.

"Wash your hand"You said to him while crossed your arms over your chest. He just looked at you blankly make you let out a groan. You grabbed his hand before led him to the sink. You washed his hand, let him zoned out. He just stared at you silently again, watching you closely.

You put the band-aid on his finger, you smiled to yourself once it's done. You looked at him with judging look.

"What are you doing?"

"I just want to get a glass of water"He said like a little kid being scolded. You grabbed a glass before filled it with water and handed it to him. He just smiled to you before took the glass in your hand.

"What did you to yourself for being this clumsy?"You said while grabbed the glass in his hand before washed it and put it back in it's place. He stared at his own feet, playing with his fingers just like a little kid that make giggle escaped from your lip.

"I think it would be better for you to step out from the kitchen when I'm not around"You teased him, keeping your serious face. Trying so hard to kept yourself from smiling. He frowned while glared at you.

"I'm not a baby"He hissed at you make you almost bursted into laugh. You still managed to kept yourself from smiling.

"Yeah, you're not but if you're this clumsy. You need to be taken care like a baby"You said to him, somewhat he let out a smirk make you slightly confused.

"So I'm your baby now?"

"Yes you are"You said to him, only make his smirk grew bigger. You flushed in red as you realized what you're saying.

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