Chapter 11

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All the guests moved to the hall. You talked with the other. Yee Rin seems slightly at eased than before.

"Ji Ae"Someone called you, you turned around to met Hoseok with his usual bright smile that could be brighter than the sun.

"Hoseok!"You said while smiling to him, you realized that he wasn't alone. He with the black hair guy and the groomsmen. You just stared at them with awkward look as Hoseok chuckled seeing your espression.

"Meet my friend, this is Yoongi-hyung, Jin-hyung, Taehyung and of course you know who this is, Jimin"Hoseok introduced one by one. All of them are new faces to you excepted for Jimin.

"I'm Ji Ae. Kim Ji Ae"You introduced yourself to them, you're hoping someone would dragged you out from here because you hated introducing yourself tbh. Woo Yoon put her arm around your shoulder, saving the day again.

"What's up, bro? Long time no see"Woo Yoon said make them rolled their eyes.

"The way you speak didn't match with the dress you're wearing"Yoongi snapped at Woo Yoon make she immediately glared at him.

"Well your height is not high as your confidece"Woo Yoon snapped back at him while throwing draggers with her eyes.

"You guys are like cat and dog, always fighting"Taehyung whined at the two. Woo Yoon hissed at Yoongi and Taehyung.

"I'm the cat obviously because cats rule, dogs drool"Woo Yoon said again make them all rolled their eyes.

"Could you guys have peace for a day?"Jimin said to Woo Yoon and Yoongi. Yoongi just shrugged his shoulder.

"It's obvious because she can't handle my swag"Yoongi said make Woo Yoon rolled her eyes.

"Oppa!"A bright high-pitched voice came out from nowhere enough to brought attention to the girl.

"Junnie, please don't make your voice high-pitched"So Hee said to Jun Yeong while glaring at her. Jun Yeong just pouted before linked her arm with your arm.

"Your voice is already high"Yee Rin said while judging Jun Yeong who became pouty.

"Anyway congrats Yee Rin"Hoseok said smiling ear to ear. Yee Rin just smiled to him.

"Well the party just started after all"Woo Yoon said while smirking.

"More like for night"So Hee blurted out make Woo Yoon bursted into laughed.

"Seriously guys...Why we're friends again?"Yee Rin hissed at them while judging them up and down.

"Because we're destined"

"What do you mean for night?"Jun Yeong said with questioning look. You just stood there awkwardly, didn't know how to deal with the girls when that again.

"You're still innocent"Woo Yoon said, the boys just shook their head at the girls.

"I am not!"Jun Yeong said while stomping her feet like a child. The girls just shook their head at Jun Yeong's action. You looked around the hall, no wonder Namjoon didn't brought Su Min with him. There were familiar faces that came to your wedding party with him. He didn't wanted to blowed his cover.

"So Woo Yoon when are you going to be in relationship?"Yee Rin asked Woo Yoon make Woo Yoon looked at her with flat face.

"Not interested"Woo Yoon said shortly make Yee Rin rolled her eyes at her. So Hee and Jun Yeong just shrugged their shoulder.

"You've should experienced how love feel"Yee Rin started to blabbered make Woo Yoon rolled her eyes.

"You only said that because now you're married, if not you'll stay single and be a cat lady"Woo Yoon snapped at Yee Rin.

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