Chapter 6

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When you arrived at the amusement park, Jun Yeong and Woo Yoon immediately squealed like a little kids and their smile become wider. While So Hee and Yee Rin just maintained their 'cool' image. You just watched them, smiling to yourself realizing how childish they are. Jun Yeong and Woo Yoon who stood beside each other staring at the amusement park with sparkly eyes, So Hee immediately stood between of them.

"Yah!"Jun Yeong said at So Hee who just glared at her. Woo Yoon just watched them two with bored look, clearly done with them. You just stood beside Yee Rin.

"Does they always like that?"You asked Yee Rin, still amused by their childish. Yee Rin chuckled before answered your question.

"This is normal"Yee Rin said while judging her friends up and down as she crossed her arms. Jun Yeong and So Hee still fighting over Woo Yoon, who was the one who should stood beside her.

"What are they doing?"

"Fighting over Woo Yoon"Yee Rin said shortly make you scrunched your face. You slightly confused by what she said.

"But we're straight, don't worry it just that the two liked Woo Yoon more. Even though they both have been rejected by Woo Yoon since they always followed her like lost puppy"Yee Rin said, Woo Yoon ran backed to Yee Rin and stood beside her but she glared at So Hee when she followed her.

"Can I have freedom?"Woo Yoon asked while Jun Yeong sprinted toward them, you just stared at her as her friends immediately walked away leaving you alone. Jun Yeong just sprinted before she wrapped her arms around you. Jun Yeong just giggled before let you go. Then, they stood beside you and Jun Yeong.

"Let's go!"Jun Yeong said in excited voice while dragged you as her friends just followed her from behind excepted for Woo Yoon who stood beside you. As time passed, you really had fun time with Woo Yoon and her friends, who really weird and suit for each other. Everyone of them make their group completed but what you liked about them the most, was that they didn't cared what the others think about them. They just become themselves without caring what other people cared about them.

You just smiled while holding a teddy bear that Yee Rin got for you. Yee Rin was playing game and she got teddy bear, she handed to you saying it was gift for you as a new friend.

"Let's go eat"Woo Yoon said while pouting since her stomach was grumbling, well she always hungry never full.

"Yeay! Woo Yoon buying us food"So Hee said out nowhere make Woo Yoon looked at her with shocked face.

"What?! I didn't-whatever let's go eat! I'm buying!"Woo Yoon said make Jun Yeong jumped before hugged Woo Yoon only make So Hee break the hug, glaring at Jun Yeong.


They and you sat inside a restaurant not far from the amusement park, you guys just walked to the restaurant since it's not that far. While waiting for their and your food, Yee Rin was lost in her thoughts as the other talked with you. Yee Rin pulled out her phone then she stared at her phone for awhile before a smile crept on her face. Since you sat beside Yee Rin, you caught what she was staring at a picture, a guy.

You wondered who since it's literally brought Yee Rin to smile, the guy in her phone looked so sweet and nice person. Yee Rin just stared at the guy picture, you could see the sparked and loved in her eyes when she stared at the picture.

 Yee Rin just stared at the guy picture, you could see the sparked and loved in her eyes when she stared at the picture

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