Chapter 19

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You poked your head in Namjoon's room.

"Namjoon?" You frowned when you didn't see him on the bed. You pouted slightly before took your phone on the table. Smile crept on your face when you saw a notification from Hoseok.


Hey Hobi!

You squealed in excitement, actually after he confessed to you at the cafe. He didn't text you at all, you want to text him but you didn't have any guts to.

Are you okay?

No need to worry about me, I'm fine.

You pouted at his answer, he always said that.

Hey, I can't help but to worry about you.

Don't said like that. It's hard.

You frowned at his text, didn't understand what he meant.

"Who are you texting with? I heard you was squealing earlier." Your head snapped at Namjoon's voice, only to saw him wrapping towel around his torso. Waters dripping from his wet hair. You raised an eyebrow at him before looked back at your phone.

"Hoseok." You simply said as you scrolled your scrolled your conversation between Hoseok. Namjoon frowned at your reaction. He walked to you, stopped right in front of you as he squinted his eyes at you. You looked up at him with flat look.

"What?" You flatly said. Namjoon watched you closely.

"How come you didn't even react when the only things that cover me is the towel?" Namjoon said at you, you rolled your eyes at him.

"Well, what do you want me to do?"

"A normal reaction perhaps." You scowl at him.

"Like this? Oppa! W-wear a shirt." You acted in front of him before acting like you want to puke.

"Not my style." You added. Namjoon raised an eyebrow at you.

"Usually girls do like that."

"Maybe I'm not a girl who know and when you have a brother who didn't know about what shirt is at home. You will get used with it." You said to him before walked away from him, heading out from his room.

"Anyway, wear clothes fast. Before I eat all the breakfast." You said to him, his eyes widened in excitement. You closed the door behind you. You leaned on the door while clutched your chest.

"Fuck, does he have to stand that close." You mumbled to yourself before ran to your mom. You clung to your mom with visible blush on your cheeks. Your mother look at you then she raised an eyebrow at you. A smile slowly spread at her face. You look at your mother flatly.

"Mom, it's not like what you think. Don't raise your expectations." You whined at her make your mother chuckle. You glared at her before pouted.

"Are you expecting that much?" You said as you put the dishes on the table.

"I can't said I didn't have any expectations. Right?"

'I don't want to ruin your expectations.' You thought to yourself. Namjoon climbed down the stairs with slightly wet hair. Namjoon flashed his smile to your mom, his dimple popped on his cheek. You smiled to yourself. You sat after you finished put all the dishes on the table. Your mom sat in front of you as Namjoon sat beside you with bright smile on his face. His eyes sparks in delight. You chuckle at him before nudged his side.

"Thank you for the food." You and Namjoon said in sync make your mom chuckle. Your mom just look at you and Namjoon dig in before she started to dig in too.

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