Chapter 13

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You both fell in comfortable silence as you and Namjoon walked beside each other, hand in hand. Without you realized, you leaned to him while walking make he smiled to himself. Glad that you're comfortable with him. He just let you leaned on him. It's been awhile since he take a walk with someone. Su Min is early bird, so he didn't really have the chance to walk with Su Min at midnight.

Walking with someone at midnight somewhat calm him down and let him forget about his concerns for awhile. 


You groaned slightly when light hit you on the face out of nowhere. You blinked a few times, clearing your vision before make eye contact with Namjoon who smiling ear to ear like an idiot that make you froze.

"Rise and shine!"Namjoon said brightly make you rolled your eyes at him before pulling the blanket over your head.

"Who gave you the permission to enter my room?"You roared under the blanket which only make him laughed.

"I don't need any permission to enter my wife's room"Namjoon said, you scoffed at him.

"Wife my ass"

"I approved that my wife have ass"Namjoon said just to teased you while you under the blanket blushing like crazy.

"Shut up!"

"Not till you get up"


"We have a date remember, now move your ass"Namjoon said while pulling the blanket, you snatched from him before rolling yourself with blanket like sushi.

"Why so early?"You asked while rolling yourself in the blanket.

"I'll do whatever I want"Namjoon said before pulling the blanket but failed since you rolled again till off the bed that your lucky head kissed the floor.

"Ouch"You said while rubbing your head while pouting. Namjoon just chuckled at the sight before pulling the blanket while you let your guard off. You glared at him when he pulled your blanket away from you.

"I'm not going anywhere!"You said before curled yourself into ball, he huffed in frustration make you smirked to yourself knowing that he gave up. Your eyelids became heavier as you slowly drove to sleep again.

While you peacefully sleep for awhile, you felt a pair of arm scooped you from the ground make your eyes widened in disbelieved. Your eyes immediately saw Namjoon. You shrieked before moved around.

"Stop moving around if you don't want to hurt both of us. You know I'm clumsy"Namjoon said to you, you don't know why you immediately obeyed him. You just pouted while crossed your arms on your chest. When you just about to looked around, Namjoon put you in bath tub that he filled with water earlier while you slept soundly on the floor. You shrieked out of nowhere. Namjoon just smiled before patted your head.

"NAMJOON! I'LL KILL YOU AND COOK YOU! I'LL DEFINITELY-"You froze as you blinked blankly when Namjoon out of nowhere kissed your head.

"Now, be a good girl"Namjoon said as he patted before chuckling at your reaction. He left you with visible blush on your cheeks. You scoffed before silently screaming.

"Why he being so sweet"You mumbled to yourself as the blush only goes redder when the scene replaying in your head. You could felt that your body out of nowhere burning in the cold water. You felt hot even though it's cold as ice.

"If he keep going on like this, I can't handle it"You said to yourself before silently whining to yourself and so-called-ranting about Namjoon. 


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