Chapter 25

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You just stood in front of her awkwardly. She nodded to you slightly before walking away. The awkward tension suffocating you and her. You looked around to search for Hoseok, you walked around slowly. You lost your balance because of the stilettos you're wearing and almost fell but someone gripped your arm. You looked at the person, Jimin. He smile at you.

"Thanks." You mumble.

"I saw you with Su Min earlier, you both seems not in good terms." Jimin walked beside you slowly.

"Not really." You smile sheepishly at him. He just chuckle at you.

"You probably notice this earlier but you know that Hoseok likes you, right?" You chewed on your bottom lips before hesitantly nodded, his smile grew even wider.

"You know, I'm just saying this because you seem to like him too. I'm sure that you can make he happy." Burden became heavier on your shoulders.

"I-I'm not sure."

"Hoseok's luck isn't that good when it's come to love. He is a loyal person so he always end in bad state." You fell in silence, not daring to say a word. Hoseok came to your side, putting his arm around your shoulder. You just smile at him.

"When are this party gonna finish?" Hoseok asked Jimin. He glanced at his wristwatch.

"In couple of hours." He reply.

"How about we go eat?" You and Jimin nodded in sync. Hoseok chuckled while walked to the food area. You saw Woo Yoon was just about to eat. Jimin stood beside Woo Yoon, taking her plate in het hands. She glared at Jimin before huffed angrily.

You chuckled at the two. After you done taking food, you sat with Woo Yoon, Jimin and Hoseok. Hoseok sat beside you.

"Hyung!" Jimin called Namjoon at the moment he saw Namjoon. Namjoon raised an eyebrow at Jimin before walked toward him.

"Come eat with us." Namjoon nodded to him then he sat beside Hoseok. Somewhat, you could felt the tense in the atmosphere.

"Tonight, we're playing truth or dare, right?" Jimin said, starting the conversation since he can felt the tense. Namjoon just nodded.

"Truth or dare?" You tilted your head in confusion, Jimin chuckled at you. Totally forgetting to tell you.

"We're planing to play truth or dare tonight at the beach." Jimin explained to you, you just nodded at him.

"It's like a routine to us whenever we go on vacation together." Hoseok added.

"I'm not playing tonight, tomorrow Su Min gonna go back to Seoul." Namjoon said without looking at you nor glance. Jimin slightly pouted but nodded anyway.


Everyone was at the beach, surrounding the fire. Jungkook and Yee Rin excused themselves to take a walk at the beach and they just let the lovebirds go.

Taehyung spun the glass bottle in front of him and landed on Hoseok. Hoseok gulped and looked at Taehyung with worry look as Taehyung wriggling his eyebrows.

"Does the person you like know about your feelings?" Hoseok's cheeks flushed into deep red as you just act dumb. You know everyone was glancing at you excepted for Jimin since he knew it from the beginning. Hoseok looked at his friends, panicked before hesitantly nodded make their jaws dropped.

"Then what are you-." Taehyung half-screamed at Hoseok but was cut off with Yoongi's hand clamped over his mouth. Taehyung glared at his older friend. Yoongi narrowed his eyes at Taehyung before glancing at you who clearly grew uncomfortable. Taehyung nodded at Yoongi before he let him go. You looked down on your lap, playing with your fingers. Hoseok spun the bottle and landed on So Hee. The game continued until you got up since you were thirsty.

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