New Ancient Home

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As we neared the town, more people appeared in my vision field. Both men and women wore white tunics or chitons with some having few decorations to add. Soldiers patroled streets with their iron armor accompanied with swords and spears.

Life was buzzling in here. Merchants shouted to citizens to catch their attention, men walked discusing some serious things and some women were shopping for things they needed. But dispite all the life I couldn't identify who were slaves and who were free citizens.

The town itself was build around the main street with town's square interjecting somewhere in the middle. Stone houses stood along the way with high walls to keep everything from curious eye. One storey houses were littered away from the main street while two storey houses that were obviously for richer people stood around the main street and the square.

While we crossed the town's square and made our way towards the other end of the city, the only thing I could do was to sit in shock while trying to hold my panic under the chains. This town just proved that I was in more deeper shit than I though I was.

After a couple minutes we stopped by two storey house with huge field by it's side. From what I could see, the field grew wheat and other vegetables. Most likely for family.

Everybody left the cart and a boy came to greet us. He was around 15 and the way he bowed to Akake, I understood that he was a slave. Just the though of it made my tongue sour.

The boy greeted the couple and they started to chat, but I didn't hear what they were saying because my attention was cought elsewhere. The sound of sea made me turn around, away from the house, and I was met by cristal clear waters. I never thought I would see such clean water. By the way grass ended further indicated that we were near a cliff of sort.

'Hey!' Hagne shouted and I was brought back. I turned my head to see the woman waving for me to come and I moved from my spot.

'Yes?' I asked when I reached her.

'Umm... what's your name again?' She laughed and I felt my cheeks getting hot from embarrassment. These people saved my life and I couldn't even introduce myself.

'Era. My name is Era' I quickly blured out and recieved a smile from Hagne.

'Well, Era, let's get moving. I'll show you around the housw tomorrow since you must be exhausted. Arina will show you to your room' she said and started to walk towards the fancy house. I was a bit confused.

'What do you mean my room?' I asked not moving from my spot. Hagne turned around and arched her eyebrow.

'A room where you will be staying' she said in factly voice.

'W-wait I will stay with you? I mean, you don't even know me' I was astonished by their kidness.

'As long as you help me around the house, you'll be fine. Besides where would you go if we threw you out?' She asked with the smile.

'I'm so grateful' I said still astounded.

'Well, let's go, the sun is already going down' she said and walked through the gates. I made sure to be close behind.

When we walked through the gates we entered small patch of space. It had grass with few shrubs divided by a stone path towards the real house entrance. When Hagne opened the door we entered what looked like a courtyard in the middle of the house. It had benches around the perimeter with trees and flower bushes. Around the courtyard went a coridor with columns holding the second floor, but still open for the first floor.

I saw women sitting on benches and talking while doing random jobs. But when they saw us a signal of silence must have activated because everybody went quiet. And all eyes landed on me. This was one of those awkward moments when everybody stares at you as if you have done something very disturbing. And in this moment my aearance was the disturbing aspect. All women were dark haired with sun kissed skin while I stood there with weird clothing, white as chalk and had blonde bird nest on my head.

Yeah, I was weird.

Suddenly, a man in his twenties, probably close to my age, walked to us. He wore fancy tunic that reached his knees with a cape of some sorts drapped around his one shoulder. Just like other women, he had black hair and dark chocolate eyes. And those eyes were not happy.

'Mother, I though we talked about slaves. Father said we don't need anymore of them' he said whitout even greeting Hagne. As for her, her face turned serious.

'Hello, Alkaios. And who said this young woman is a slave?' She asked with judgement in her voice. The man's face soften up and he looked at me for the real time. His eyes went a bit wide with curiosity while I stood there, uncomfortable from this whole situation.

'I'm sorry for mistaking as a slave' he said and I waved my hand with forced smile.

'Don't worry, I do look out of place'

'We will fix that tomorrow. As for now, Era, this is my first son, Alkaios. Son, this is Era, our guest' she introduced us.

'Nice to meet you' I said and he smiled with toothy smile.

'Pleasure is all mine. And I do apologise for my mistake'

'Where is Herod?' Hagne asked before I could say something back to Alkaios.

'He went to meet father' Alkaios replied and Hagne turned to me.

'Era, you must be tired so I won't keep you today. Tomorrow you will be able to meet everyone. Arina!' She shouted and a girl, about 13 came running to us.

'Yes, milady?' She asked with innocent voice.

'Please show Era to the guest room' Hagne said and Arina nod.

'Please follow me' she said and I bid goodnight to Hagne and Alkaios.

Some things will be added by me in this story to keep it going. I will try to write as historically accurate as possible, but some things, like the festival, will be added. So if you will see a dragon appearing out of the blue know that it's for the story to flow nicely 😁

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