The Letter

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One thing I noticed while searching for Persephone is the fact that this castle gets deserted when you need someone for a serious reason. It took me at least an hour to find Persephone in the library. The structure and concept of the library was the same as in the monastery.

I found the Goddess sitting in the first floor by the fire and reading a thick book that looked really old.

'Persephone? We need to talk' I said, but she didn't even rise her eyes.

'I know what you will say' she said with a serious voice and I felt myself freeze. I was actually scared of her.

'You do?' My voice almost turned into a whisper.

'You slept with my Uncle' she deadpaned and I went quiet. The guilt was real and strong in my chest.

'I...I'm sorry. I don't know how it ended like this, but nothing like that will ever happen again' my voice was quiet and my eyes were focused to the fireplace like it was made out of gold.

'No, you will not stop doing that' Persephone said and shut the book loudly, causing me to flinch. The petite woman stood up and looked at me with anger radiating from her.

'W-what?' She confused me.

'Do you know how long I waited for another woman to get Hades' attention? How many times I tried to make him fall in love? I brought so many "friends" down here, but none managed to actually make Hades look at them. And then he comes home with his champion, fucking love in his eyes. No, you are not the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, you are just a simple mortal and he fell for you. It makes me angry to think that I wasted so much time bringing most beautiful beings in here when I could have brought any human down here and he would have fallen in love!' She shouted and threw the book away from her. It hit the wall and caused a loud sound, but none of us looked that way.

'I don't care that you are his champion and have all rights to not listen to me, but you will this time! You will fuck him whenever he wants if that means for me getting out of this place and back to my real love!' She walked to me giving a death stare and then power walked out of the room.

I let out a shaky breath and sat down on the couch. Persephone wasn't angry at the fact that I slept with her fiancé, but because I have come here very late? Or because I was normal looking? This whole situation made my head hurt.

I don't know how long I sat there, but I was brought back to reality by one of the spectral maids, saying that it was lunch time. Following her to the hall I tried my best to remember the path since I still get lost to often. The maid left me by the main entrance and when I walked in, I saw that Hades and Persephone were already waiting for me. Well, Hades was, Persephone was shoving the food into her mouth like her butt was on fire.

I managed to eat only one spoon of stew that was given to me before the Goddess power walked out of the hall. My eyes followed her back and I noticed how tense she was.

'You told her about us after all' Hades's voice cought my attention and I looked at him.

'Yes, but she is not angry with me because of that' I ate another spoon and saw Hades' eyebrows go up.

'Then what is the reason?' He asked lazily eating his golden fruit. This time it was a pomegranate.

'Because I'm not beautiful and took my time to catch you attention.' I explained, "somehow" My mouth added, but he frowned.

'You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met' he said the cheesy line with such seriousness that it made my cheeks go red.

'I'm normal' I said quietly and finished my meal. Our plates were instantly taken care of and we were left alone again.

'Come here' Hades rose his his hand and I took it whitout a thought. He pulled me into his arms and I snuggled to him, hiding my face into his neck. His arms secured themselves around my waist and we sat in that position for a while.

'Will you let Persephone go?' I broke the silence and heard him hum.

'Not yet' he answered and kissed my shoulders.

'Why not?' I asked and kissed his neck back.

'I need to win against my brother, you said it yourself' he growled into my ear.

Our little moment was interupted by a soft knock on the front door. I was about to get off of the Hades, but his arms locked me in place.

'Hades' I whispered warningly, scared that whoever was on the other side, would find about us.

'About the time they know that I have someone I care about' he simply said and shouted to whoever was behind main doors to enter.

Doors flew open and a young boy walked in with a confidence of the whole world, but it was cut short when his eyes landed on us. He froze in his place and his lower jaw went down. It was comical, but funny.

I with Hades waited for the boy to speak while he stared at us.

'Wow' was all he said and I couldn't hold the chuckle. He looked really adorable.

'What is it, Hermes?' Hades asked and the boy woke up from his trance.

'Um... I have a letter from Hera to lady Era' he said and an envelope appeared in his hands with a small puff sound.

'I don't remember having the Lady status' I joked and the boy jogged to us.

'Aren't you the champion of Uncle?' He asked confused.

'Nah, I'm the peasant he abducted' I said taking the letter from the messenger's hand. Hermes' eyes popped out with shock and he looked at Hades.

'Says the woman who shouted to everyone that I don't exist' Hades countered my statement leaning lazily back in his chair with me sitting in his lap. I noticed Hermes look at me with the same look.

'It's not my fault that I'm from different religion' I said and turned to the boy, 'thank you for the letter' I said to him and he smiled to me.

'No problem. Well, I'm off' he said and, with a goodbye wave to us, disappeared from the hall.

'He is cute' I said opening the letter up. A growl escaped Hades throat and I patted him on the head whitout looking at him.

'You are cuter'

'That's better' he said and kissed my neck which brought shivers down my spine.

'It seems the time has come' I said when I read the letter.

'Hm?' Hades mused into my shoulder and I hid my hand into his silky hair.

'Hera has decided the date of the meeting for her divorce'

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