Festival Of The Gods

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I watched as white figure walked onto the podium and with the help of the workers it was tied to the board. My eyes landed on the tent and I wondered if those seats were empty. Or maybe they just put some random people to make us scared. But I had a nervous feeling that I will find that out soon.

There were no introductions, no opening song or something. Workers simply chained Astrid to the board and then backed away towards two ropes that were tied to long poles. In union, they pulled ropes and a flapping sound rang through the field followed by gasps from viewers. I had to squint my eyes to see two black flags with Cerberus painted on them.

The message was clear.

I lit the candle and pulled my hood a little bit further down. For some reason I didn't want for all those people who came here to see us die, to see my face. They will know that I am a woman from my voice and that is enough for them.

In the distance I heard first song's notes and I deeply inhaled. I stepped down a step and the first line of the song came out of my mouth.

'Sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree?' Everybody turned their heads to me and I saw people shrink back when I passed them. I made sure to keep the candle far enough for people to be able to see only my red lips.

'Travel the world and seven seas' Sand crunched under my boots when I stepped off the stone steps with a small gap made in the tent and raised above me. If I was correct, those raised seats were for the three brothers and their wives.

'Everybody's looking for something' I sang reaching the wodden podium and climbed on it. Clinging sound of knives followed me everywhere giving a creepy vibe and for a second I watched as they reflected the warm light from the candle.

'Some of them want to use you' I crouched and lit the first candle and with a red paint from a small bowl next to me, I drew a line towards the second unlit candle.

'Some of them want to get used by you' I lit the second candle and drew another line. I couldn't hear anybody because of how loud I had to sing for my song to reach everybody, but I could feel air around me getting thicker.

'Some of them want to abuse you' I placed the last candle and closes the triangle with red paint.

'Some of them want to be abused' I sang, my voice calm and emotionless, while standing before the crowd and slowly pulled two knives from their holders. Chorus followed by drum beating came from behind me and I moved my body in slow motions, bending it in weird positions to give an occult ritual feeling.

'Sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree?' I brought the knives towards me and began "stabbing" myself.

'Travel the world and seven seas, Everybody's looking for something' I sang and changed my movements into more crouched ones, bringing knives towards my face and doing the "cutting" movement, indicating the start of insanity. But who will understand this?

'Some of them want to use you, some of them want to get used by you' the music gradually became heavier as my voice louder and using my flexible body I began doing unhuman positions, never letting my body to stop moving.

'Some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused' I suddenly stopped in the middle, placed one of my hand over the face and began moving to the sides as if I had something in my head and on the heavy drum and music part, I threw the knife.

My body spun on it's own accord and throwing a knife I watched as it got stuck on the board right next to Astrid's face. Her head moved a bit indicating a flinch. I began turning to all sides and throwing knives to the fast beat. The knives stuck on the board, shaping the key form. With every throw, the simbol became more clear and in the corner of my eyes I noticed movement.

Seconds later three soldiers and a poker man stood by side steps ready to move forward. I knew they wanted to stop my performance and I knew that that won't happen.

'Sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree?' I sang quietly and threw three knives. It hit the boards right before their feet and they stopped. I leaned my back backwards and looked straight into the poker man's eyes. He instantly held his arm and murmured something to soldiers who had to step down with anger visible on their faces.

'Sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree?' My voice turned into someone being chocked and I slowly walked towards Astrid, my body hunched a bit.

'Travel the world and the seven seas, Everybody's looking for something' I traced her cheek with the knife and down her neck.

'Some of them want to use you, some of them want to get used by you' I grabbed her face and turned it to me. I choked the words out of my throat and noticed shock on her face that was barely visible from her veil.

'Some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused' With those lines a heavy part came again and I stabbed the knife right next to her face. With every beat I stabed the knife in diferent spots that were super close to her body.

Moving away from her, I threw some more knives and stopped before her, my back to the crowd.

'I'm gonna use you and abuse you' I slowly began walking back towards her, taunting her.

'I'm gonna know what's inside' I pulled the last knife out of my wrist holder.

'Gonna use you and abuse you' my hands traced the knife down her chest and stomach.

'I'm gonna know what's inside you' I quietly sang last words to her ear.

And then stabbed her in the liver.

I'm aware that the song is too fast for Era to do all those things, but she is singing the lighter version of the song since she is in Ancient Greece. The music is simply more simplistic and pauses between the lines are longer.

Wattpad does not let me put the song on here so I can only write it's name here. Emily Browning - Sweet Dreams.

Festival Of The Gods [OLD VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now