Puppy Cerberus At Your Service

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My brain refused to acknowledge the fact that Hades released the titans, but screams from underneath me was one of the major evidence.

'I-I never though he would take my joke seriously' I stuttered and got two pairs of surprised eyes.

'You suggested him to do that?' Athena asked, her voice dropping into a serious one.

'No, no, no! We just had a fun talk about scaring Zeus shitless and I just joked that Hades should mention his father and the titans, but I wasn't suggesting him to actually do it!' I defended myself and Athena let out an annoyed grunt.

'You better fix this since he won't even allow us into the Underworld. Our messenger boy can't bring letters to Hades either'

I blinked at the new information and worry blossomed in my chest.

'What if he refuses the entrance to everyone, including me?' I asked and felt tears gather in my eyes.

'Era, calm your rainbow hormones. If he was able to destroy almost half the Greece because of you, I am 100% sure you are the only one allowed to enter the Underworld. I mean, he loves you, why would he shut the doors for you?' Aphrodite rambled and it calmed me down, but only for a second.

'Bu-but he thinks I'm dead..' I cried and Aphrodite faceslaped herself.

'You weren't killed before him, so why would he think that?'

'O-okay...' I said and sniffed a bit.

Athena chuckled from my tears and smiled at me.

'You remind me of Aphrodite when she was pregnant. She once cried because someone wrote her name wrong'

Aphrodite threw a dagger look at Athena and then began looking over her nails in nonchalant maner.

'At least I got fucked so hard that I can still feel the tingle in me. Why do you think I'm still fateful to Hephaestus? The man has talent not only for making weapons, but also for wielding his own weapon. If you know what I mean' she smirked and I watched as Athena's face got beet red. I blinked at Aphrodite. Yet another myth said wrong by humans.

We sat in silence after that while we were occasionally interrupted by screams. Okay, we were interrupted almost every two second.

As we rode through the sky and were coming closer and closer to my dream man, I began playing with my fingers. I was feeling nervous out of the sudden. Athena placed her hand over mine and I looked at her.

'Everything will be okay, don't worry' I smiled at her, but still felt nervous.

'I know, but what if he doesn't love me? Or maybe he will not want to be with me because I'm pregnant?' I began rambling and tears appeared in my eyes again.

'Yeah right. Let me just destroy half the country because the woman I am crazy about was taken from me, but when she comes back, I'll just kick her out' Aphrodite sneered and mimicked Hades. I sniffed while Athena threw a nasty look at her friend. Aphrodite sighed.

'What I'm trying to say is that he probably will destroy another half of the Greece out of happiness. So catch your flying hormones and calm down'
Aphrodite "explained" and got another look from Athena.

'Thanks' I chuckled and with my words the carriage plopped down on the ground.

'Let's go' Athena hurried us and opening the door climbed out. She helped me to get out of the carriage and then I looked around.

We were....

'IT'S FREEZING!!!' I screamed at Athena as a blizzard hit us with full force. The wind howled around us as it nipped our skin while the snow was burying us alive by the seconds. It seemed that we were somewhere in the mountains, but the visibility was awful.

'YOU WINGED VIRGIN OF TARTARUS, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU  BROUGHT US!!!' Aphrodite screamed at the top of the lungs at Athena and we both looked at her. She was standing as if the blizzard was nonexistent and looked at us with a calm expression.

'To the main entrance of the Underworld' she said calmly and Aphrodite fumed even more.


'Sorry! Let's go!' She shouted and picking me up bridal style ran like a madwoman. I made sure to glue myself to Athena's body so that I wouldn't freeze my ass.

We quickly ran into a cave. The ominous air hung around us and I finally could feel the air of the Underworld.

'Good thing the air is warm' Aphrodite mumbled under her nose as we approached almost invisible stairs that lead down. Athena ignored her and began climbing down.

'I can walk by myself, Athena' I chuckled and watched a smile appear on her smile.

'You two aren't that heavy' she said.

After like 20 minutes of going down and down, we finally reached the bottom. The air was compressed in here and it was harder to breathe than outside, but the ominous air was still there.

'We are here' Athena said and placed me down. I quickly looked around. We were in a small cave that had a set of doors with dimond shapes on them.

'Hey, these are the same doors that Cerberus is guarding' I noted and Aphrodite shivered.

'That thing is disgusting' she shivered and I frowned.

'He is cute! And friendly!' I protected the puppy, but Athena gave me a look.

'He is not friendly to either of us or the other Gods' she said and gently pushed me towards the door.

'What am I supposed to do?' I looked back at two Goddesses who were walking away from the door and stopped when they felt safe.

'Knock' Athena said and I rose eyebrows at her, but did what she said. I gently knocked three times on the humongous door and waited. And waited. And waited once more.

Suddenly, the ground began shaking as the front door to the Underworld began opening up. I felt excitement and happiness building up inside me as I waited for the doors to open. I couldn't wait to see Hades.

The door slowly opened up themselves and I peered into the darkness. Then, one by one, orange eyes opened up and a low growl resonated through the air. I heard Aphrodite squirm from behind me, but my eyes were stuck on the hole that appeared before me. Slowly, the silhouette of the beast appeared and Cerberus slowly walked through the door. His eyes were fixated on me and opening his jaws, he let out a deafening animal shout. But then he cut himself short and perked his ears. He stood there frozen with all six eyes on me and his head cocked to the side and I smiled.

'Cerberus!' I happily shouted and flung myself towards the beautiful gray beast.

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