Immortal Love

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<>*Mini Sexual*<>

'What did you do?' Was the first question I asked Hades as I was carried away to the unknown. He looked down at me and I saw a sadistic smirk stretch across his face.

'I took the power of the Pantheon, as in the leader of the Olympus, from Zeus and locked him in Tartarus' he said and I was shocked at how happy he sounded at the latter. I blinked at him for a few seconds, not knowing what to say.

'Who are you and what did you do to my Birdy?' I asked and he rose his brows at my question.


'I was locked in a bird cage and I befriended birds and then I thought of you as my badass Crow Birdfriend. Don't judge, I was bored' I rambled and watched as Hades' head leaned back and a laugh resonated through the corridor. He looked so hot at that moment and I felt butterflies explode in my stomach. Or mini Hades was tickling me, I don't know.

'Did you chirp as well?' He asked still chuckling and it took me a moment to answer. He looked so damn cute with that smile and glinting eyes, you don't even know.

'I was chirping my cussing song' I smirked and Hades chuckled again.

'Oh, I bet you my position, Zeus was pissed off even if he didn't show that' he smirked and kicked the random doors open.

I looked around and gasped. We were in the Golden Garden that, according to humans, Hades built for Persephone. He put me down and I gaped at my surroundings. Just like in the myth, everything was made out of gold. Trees lines a path that went further down, I saw birds sitting on the branches and ready to fly. Bushes with small flower buds were between the trees and in the distance I saw a freakin' deer standing with his crown high in the sky, looking all mighty.

'Holy.... mother of birds' I said and lightly touched the bush.

'I'm glad you like it' Hades' voice spoke and I was pulled into an intimacy of this whole situation.

'Did you build this for Persephone?' I asked and he frowned.

'It was my father who built this for my mother. Now I'm continuing tradition on bringing the woman I love here' he said and brushed my cheek with his thumb. I was melting.

He took my hand and lead me down the path that had small lanterns hung on the branches and gave a soft orange light. Since the Underworld was still dark, it felt like we were on a date in the middle of the night.

We walked to the fountain that was in an oval area and I noticed golden hedges forming a labyrinth behind it. Actual water was coming out of the fountain and we stopped by it.

'I actually thought that Zeus took you away from me' Hades said while looking at the crystal water and I did the same, enjoying the moment.

'I don't blame you. Getting back home without any memories was scary. Did you know that I was in coma for two years while I was running around in here? Maybe I am a spirit?' I thought out loud and Hades chuckled.

'Those were fabricated memories created on the moment your butt landed on the Earth's surface. They probably found you soon after and just had a blink of an idea that you were in coma' he explained and "ooohhh"ed.

'Well, they were freaking out when I got magically pregnant' I said and cheekily smirked at him which he answered with his own cheeky smile.

'Are you ready to go?' He asked and I couldn't hold my tongue.

'To your bedroom? Always' I said and an actual lust filled growl escaped from Hades' throat. That instantly turned me on and my hormones began Sonic flying. He sat down at the edge of the fountain and pulled me into his lap.

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