Divorce Hearing Part 2

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A moment of silence followed our little exchange. It was obvious that everybody in the hall were interested in Zeus' and mine bickering.

'Okay, Era, you may begin' Athena said and I inhaled to calm myself. After a couple of seconds of me finding words, I spoke.

'Before I go into the evidence against Zeus, I want to explain how the final verdict will be found' quickly looking around for anyone opposing I continued 'After the whole hearing you, the main Gods of the Olympus, will vote. Those who think that Hera should be able to leave Zeus, will vote for her and those, who think Zeus did nothing to spoil the marriage, will vote for him. Hera and Zeus won't vote since their views to this matter are already obvious which leaves 10 of you.'

I knew that there could be only 9 votes, so I looked at the Gods to see who could pass the voting. Unfortunately, looking at the circumstances, it had to be Hades.

'Since there can't be an even number of votes I ask for Hades to withdraw from the voting' I said and looked at him. He still looked at me like I was his lunch which almost made me throw a phrase at him. A dirty one.

'Why him?' A woman with super long hair in light brown colour asked. By the tip of the bow visible from behind her small frame I recognized her as the Goddess of the wild - Artemis.

'C'mon, Artemis, the man had a nasty feud with Zeus and fucked Era countless times. He would definitely vote for Hera' Aphrodite said while rolling her eyes. I knew her because of very revealing clothes and deep red aura around her.

The truth that she said made me throw her howthefuckdoyouknowthat look but then my brains informed me her "area" in which she is worshiped.

'Can we not discuss my sex life please?' I asked feeling my cheeks slowly warming up.

'Why? Are you still sore from the night?' She smirked and leaned forward as if she was really interested in me. I was caught up in her playfulness and smirked back.

'You don't even know'

'Oh my, I always wondered your sex drive, Hades' Aphrodite chuckled looking at Hades who simply rose his eyebrows at her.

'But alas, you will not find that since I'm not interested in you' he dismissed her in cold voice and turned to me 'I'll withdraw from the vote.'

'Um.. okay, thank you, so...' I blurted out while trying to compose myself. Hades' cold voice towards the Goddess threw me off a little bit. I knew he didn't like this place but it seemed that he didn't like some of his fellow Gods as well.

'So, to begin with, I would like to ask Hera why she married Zeus' I began and looked at her. For a moment there was silence. I saw Hera beginning to shake as she let out a small strangled breath and thatcaused me frow. Something was wrong.

'He raped me...' she whispered and I barely caught her words. Another second of silence followed her words before hell broke loose. All Gods began shouting over others. Most of them were outraged but there were some who actually supported Zeus and that made me furious even more.

'Everybody calm down!' Athena screamed and the hall settled down but you could feel their emotions through heavy atmosphere.

While everybody quieted down I watched Zeus. For a moment I saw panic and something else cross his face but it soon turned into "I don't care about my actions" one.

Suddenly, a woman stood up. She wore clothes that covered her entirely and only her face was shown. Her stance and face radiated calm and motherly vibes. She looked at me and gave me a small smile.

'I'm sorry for interrupting you, Era. I also apologize for my language but..' she turned to Zeus and her motherly aura vanished. '... YOU PEACE OF COAL! HOW DARE YOU TAKE SOMETHING SO SACRED AS WOMAN'S PURITY AGAINST HER OWN WILL?!?! I'M SO DISGUSTED BY YOU! FROM THIS MOMENT ON, I, THE GODDESS OF THE HOUSE AND FAMILY, DEEM YOU INFERTILE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE AND ANY CHILD CONSUMED BY YOU WITH MAGIC OR OTHER MEANS, WILL BE BORN WITH BROKEN BONES AND ANIMAL PARTS!' The moment she finished, all torches illuminating the hall died out and the whole pantheon rumbled, sounding like a beast who was woken up from a very long sleep.

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