The Monastery

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When I woke up the pain hit my body hard. Loud groan escaped my lips and I heard something move next to me.

'Open your eyes' a voice called out and I followed the order. My eyelids opened up and I saw blurry colours. With some blinking I was met by a grumpy face. It belonged to an aged man who looked at me with annoyance.

'Wake up, we don't have time' he said and roughly pulled me by my hand into a sitting position. Not a happy sound left my throat and I glared at him.

'What's wrong with you?' It was rhetorical question, but he didn't seem to understand it and pulled me again, this time causing me to stumble and almost fall to the floor.

'Move!' He shouted and we left the room that I didn't even look at. We were speed walking through stone coridors that had bell form holes leading to the garden. It was sunny day whitout a clound in the sky and yet nobody was enjoying the perfect weather. The whole place was deserted.

I looked at the man who was dragging me and noticed his clothes. He wore white monk like robes that hid his face. This whole place gave a "monastery" vibe.

I let the man drag mw while I was lost in my thoughts. I was confused. What is this place? Did that fat guy leave me here?

The sacrifice day came back and I remembered what happened. The guy with the horn, me choking the key out of my throat.....

My hand flew to my throat when the black key, stained in my old blood, came to my mind. I felt my skin, but nothing weird was there.

My attention was brought back when I heard voices. The reality hit me and I felt panic swell in my chest. Where was I? Who is this man and where are we going? But before I could even think about posibilities, the man kicked the door open and pushed me inside.

The voices went down into silence.

'The last one!' The man shouted and closed the door with a loud bang.

I looked from the door to the room and was met by a few hundred people. They all wore different colour tunics and were scatered across the huge round room made of the same white stone as the corridors. It had columns streching all the way to the ceiling and torches in metal horlders on every one of them. At the back, on a platform, stood a man in white robe, just like the rude guy, and looked at us with poker face. But what attracted the eyes were twelve tall statues forming a half circle behind the man. My eyes instantly went on a dog with three head and a frown came to my face.

These were twelve Gods of the Olimpus.

'Attention all!' The poker face man shouted and we all turned to him.

'Welcome to the Daphni monastery, the place where all people, who have been marked by the Gods, reside. You all must have heard of the festival for the twelve Olimpians, but I will tell you about it regardless. The festival of the Gods is a festival held on the first day every year. You all and others that are already here will be participating in it. Your mission is to impress the God that you individually represent. You can use and perform anything you like except the violence. The catch is, if you fail to impress the God you represent you die' the man spoke his speach in monotone voice and on the word "die" whispers went through the room. Whatever was going on it was bad. Really bad...

'Silence!' The man shouted getting our attention once more.

'You all here because you are at fault in your actions. You all made Gods mad and they threw you all in here. The only way to pay for your sins is to work hard and, for some, face death' he said and I with other paled. I could feel panic rising up my throat fast and I gritted my teeth. This is ridiculous....

'But to ease your worry I have some good news. This year we have a very rare and talented participant who managed to anger the most patient God of the Olimpus who rules the underworld by himself' he said and looked straight into my eyes. In the corner of my eyes I saw all people turn to me as well.

'We don't know what you did, but one thing is certain. You, miss, have the worst since no one managed to show something more amazing than horrors that lurks deep down' he said and I invisibly swallowed. Is he trying to scare me? Well, it was working.

'There is first time for everything' I managed go say. My words rang through the room and a sly smile appeared in the man's face.

'You all have eight more months to prepare. You will be living in here, craft in here and some will die in here. None allowed to leave the monastery walls. That's it!' He shouted and climbed down the platform, ignoring us.

We all stood there, not knowing what to do. I could hear whispers and glances my way and it was super annoying. Not bearing the judgement I was getting all of the sudden, I turned away and speed walked through the same door I was dragged in here.

The most patient God my ass.... They don't exist!

I walked down the corridor and noticed the clothes I was in. My other white tunic was gone and I was wearing long, sleeveless, black tunic with thin leather rope around my stomach. It had long cuts from the sides showing my legs as I walked.

But most disturbing thing was the obsidian black chain with the very same key I had choked out.

I felt my stomach roll.

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