Sexually Frustrated Goddess of Springtime

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I was gawking around the hall and didn't see how Hades began walking down the corridor to my right. Only when he spoke to me from far away was when I came back to reality.

'Era, come' he spoke and I looked at him. He was walking again and I ran after him.

'You must be hungry, dinner will be served shortly. In the meantime, you can get to know Persephone, I'm sure she is dying to meet you' he said and we walked up to the metal door. We walked into a small sitting room of some kind that had two more doors made out of black glass, couple coutches and statues. The man sure loves dark colours.

We walked through one of the doors and entered a long room. In the middle was a very long table with atleast 20 seats in one side and 20 at the other side. At the very end stood two fancy chairs, with long elegant back sides and carvings at the sides. It was clear who was supposed to sit there. In the corners of the room small bonfires were lit with chandeliers on the ceilings of the same kind as in the entrance hall helping to illuminate the space. Hight up were couple of windows that weren't meant to be looked through while on the walls hung paintings, fancy rugs and stood few statues - everything made in black or grey colours.

I watched as Hades sat in one of the fancy chairs and I followed him, sitting down a few chairs away from him, keeping the formal and safe distance. Silence shrouded us, but it was short lived as I heard someone running somewhere. Seconds later, unnoticed door for me bursted open and I saw a young woman run in. She was quite small, around 20 with super long light brown hair and green eyes. She wore a pastel pink tunic and had a huge grin on her face.

When our eyes met, I swear, she teleported to me and sat next to me, leaning into me with her eyes wide with excitment. She didn't say anything so I glanced at Hades, but that one had poker face. I looked back at the woman and then back to Hades.

When I looked at Hades for the third time, I felt the woman poke my cheek and I looked back at her. She was still looking with her excited glow and when I looked away from her again, she poked me once more. I didn't know what to do so I simply poked her back.

A loud giggle escaped from her and she threw herself on me, hugging me.

'You are sooo cute!' She loudly said and I felt my cheeks go a little bit warm.

'Uh.. thanks' I said and she pulled away.

'My name is Persephone and I'm sooooo happy to finally meet another living girl in here. Do you know how booring Hades is? He only works and doesn't have time to spend with his future Queen' she rambled in one go and I glanced at Hades, but the man was off to his imaginary world, looking straight before him.

'See? See? Even now he is talking with his workers. You are new here and he still has audacity to ignore you' Persephone speed talked and I smiled at her.

'He has to keep this place in order' I defended the God, but she wasn't having that.

'So what? He can take a minute to talk with his guest and spend some time with me too' she rolled her eyes.

'Era is not a guest and you are here to keep her company' Hades suddenly said and turned to us. Persephone pouted and leaned back into the chair.

'And what if I want to have some fun in bed with you?' She asked and I felt my eyes go wide. I looked at Hades, but the poker face was intact.

'Nights are for that' he calmly said, but Persephone bursted again.

'Yes, and you always get back to your room either when I'm long asleep or you are tired after work. You work so hard that you probably wouldn't even be able to hold a rhythm for even a minute before passing out' My lips turned into an o shape. This woman was savage. I glanced back at Hades. He was leaned back in his chair with his head held by his hand.

'How do you know that? You always go to sleep right after the dinner and never give me the chance to please you. Or do you prefer the embrace of that Charite. What was her name again? Atea? Anteri? ' he said. The woman was fuming by my side.

'Antheia. She is way better than you and trust me, she is the best at art of love. But you, Uncle, prefer virgins right? You like to rip them of their virtue and doom them with fruit of sin' she seethed through her teeth. Wait, Persephone was a lesbian?

I looked at her surprised and she looked at me.

'You are a virgin, Era, right? I bet you are his target now' she said.

'Do not pull Era into this' Hades growled this time and Persephone smiled with an evil smile.

'Hit the spot eh? So you do like her! Era, you better avoid this man at all cost or he will take advantage of you' She said and I shrunk back into my seat. This conversation was spiraling way to fast. But with those words, kisses given by Hades began playing in my mind. Could she be right? I mean, I don't even knw the man and he kissed me out of the blue.

'Stop depicting me as a man without morals just because you haven't been fed the, so called, sinful fruit yourself for a long time!' Hades shouted out of the sudden and we both jumped when he hit the table with his fist. I looked at him surprised and saw his red eyes burning Persephone alive. The young woman on the other hand shrinked away from him, regret noticable for a second, but it was replaced by anger instantly.

'And that wouldn't have happened if you didn't keep me locked in here against my own will!' She screamed and pushing the chair over, ran away from the hall, leaving us in silence.

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