True Colours

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I don't remember when I fell asleep, but when I woke up, I was safely tucked in my queen size bed. Since this whole place was... somewhere... I had no idea if it was day or night nor how much time had passed since I came here.

I sat up in my bed and looked around my room. The main colours were red and black and whole room was actually close to my time which was weird. The bed had a normal mattress, to my left was an actual dresser made out of cherry tree wood, right before the bed stood a fireplace that was glued to the wall with mounted deer head over it. Before a fireplace were two armchairs with a couch made from the same wood as the dresser with bookshelf to the right and some cabinet to the left. In the middle of the left wall I saw main door and oposite of it stood a table with paper and ink. Whole room was covered with rugs that hid stone walls and floor while small chandelier illuminated the area for me to see. The room was really beautiful and cozy.

To lazy to get up, I fell back into my bed. Memories of yesterday came back and I had to bite the moan that wanted to escape when I remembered how fucking hot Hades was. Well.. is. But with new found lust came guilt. Not only I seduced Hades and pushed him into cheating on Persephone, but I did all of that on the same day I met the guy.

It was wrong. Really wrong.

I decided to speak real business with Hades. Crawling out of my bed I put the first tunic I found, which was red like my room, pulled my sandals and left the bedroom.

I walked endlesly through halls, but I had no idea where the God was. Luckily, one of the spectral maids crossed my path and after a long explanation, I was on my way to Hades' "office".

Halls after halls that only seemed to ever walk, I finally reached where he was supposedly working. Knocking on black metal doors I waited for him to speak, but nothing came from the other side. I decided to spit on the untold rules and pulling the door, I walked into his office.

I saw him sitting behind a table with blank stare pointed somewhere on the floor. He looked just like during the dinner and Persephone said he was talking to his workers.

Was he mindlinking with others?

I quietly close the door, not wanting to disturb him, but the moment door closed, his eyes snapped to me.

'I didn't give you permission to enter' he said coldly and leaned back into his massive chair.

'Ah.. yeah, I know, but I need to talk to you' I said with serious voice. He stayed quiet so I took it as "I'm listening".

'What happened yesterday was a mistake. What we are doing in general is wrong so we need to end this game. We will go back to where we were supposed to be. You will marry Persephone while I'll wait and carry out your orders.' I said looking straight into his black eyes.

He frowned and stood up. Slowly walking around his table, he leaned into it whitout breaking our eyes contact. I felt temperature drop in the whole room and I knew that he was not happy.

'And why do you think you can end the game just like that?' He asked, his voice still cold. His words confused me and this time I frowned.

'Because someone has to do it. We had our fun and now we need to end this' I explained.

'You are not in charge of the game, Era' he said and pushed himself from the table.

'Wh-what?' I asked confused. Like a preditor, he walked to me and with a light push, locked me between a wall and himself. Our proximity caused memories of our love making flood my mind and I felt lust coming out.

'It was I who kissed you first, it was me who started this and it will be me who will end this' he said and lowered his head to me ear.

'When comes the time and I'll be done with you' he whispered.

I was frozen. My air flow seemed to shut and I couldn't speak.

I was only a play thing for him?

The tought hurt. I felt a painful stab where my heart was and tears pooled in my eyes.

'Then why won't you be be done with me right now?' I managed to whisper out, my voice trembling from emotions.

Whitout a warning he pushed himself away from me and silently watched me. I didn't hide my tears that began flowing down my cheek, but I couldn't rise my eyes to meet his.

'I said everything that I wanted to say' I said quietly, looking at his chest that was covered in black cloth, and walked to the door. But before I could even reach the door, I felt the back of my tunic being gripped and was litteraly flung back. I hit the wall quite hard and a groan left my mouth.

'What the hell?!' I shouted with anger, but shut my mouth when I saw a very angry Hades. His eyes were crimson red and he had his mouth pursed in anger.

'Do you even listen to me?' He lowly growled like a beast.

'Yes, you made it quite clear that I am just a play thing for you' I growled right back at it, but he once again silenced me with a punch in the wall marely centimeter away from my face. This time my breathing hitched a bit.

'Yesterday I said perfectly clear that you belong to me' he began. I opened my mouth to speak, but he didn't let me.

'I said when the time comes...'

'And for how long will that be?' I cut him short, angry by my stupidity to fall for such a man.

Before I knew, he punched the wall with his second hand and I jumped from such a sudden move.

'Shut up and listen to me!' He shouted furious and for the first time I was afraid of the God before me. I shrinked back, but he made sure that we were close by leaning in so close that our noses were touching.

'I said when the time comes, but you belong to me, so you will never leave this place' he seethed out.

I was still frozen from fear and it took a moment for my brains to register what he just said.

'I don't belive you' I quietly said. He pulled his face away from mine, but still had me locked between the wall and himself.

'Then get cozy in here, because I always carry out my words' he said I was pulled into him.

Our lips met in angry and rough kiss that finally opened my eyes for his dominance and true colours. He wasn't just a charming and hot God, he was a dangerious one as well. I finally acknowledged the fact that he was not a human and that my stupid decisions and actions might get me killed.

I angrily answered to his kiss and he forcefully pushed his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss. A deep angry growl erupted in my throat and hiding my hands into his still silky hair, I painfully grabbed a handful of it to cause him atleast a little bit of pain he cause me.

He pushed me back to the wall and finally ended our kiss. I released him and we stared at each other with anger.

'I still don't believe you' I said as he pushed himself away from me.

'Your choice' he simply said and walked away to his table. I moved myself from the wall as well and reached the door, but stopped before opening.

'I'm going to tell Persephone of our.... game' I said not looking at him.

'Go ahead, that won't change anything' his cold and still angered voice rang through the room and I turned my head to him. He was sitting just like I found him, but this time his eyes were on me.

'And next time speak what you want to say whitout riddles' I spit out and finally left the room.

It looked like our weird relationship just turned into dark one.

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