Nothing Is Done

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I quickly walked around thrones and stopped by the black one where Hades was waiting. The moment I stopped by him, he pulled me onto his lap and kissed me. Forgetting that we were still in the pantheon I answered his kiss until we both were out of breath.

'You did well' he said once we stopped making out and I smiled at him.

'Everything was done a lot quicker and smoother than I expected' I honestly told him while he began playing with a strand of my hair.

'If not for Zeus' crime, I'm afraid you would have lost or at least barely won'

'But I won and now I fucked up entire Olympus' I smiled at him and he chuckled back.

'And you look like you are proud of it'

I began braiding a strand of his hair and smirked at him.

'I am on freeing Hera, but not for splitting them up in general. But Zeus is at fault so you could say it's his work'

Suddenly, a door opened to our right and we turned to a woman who walked out. It was one of the maids that prepared me for the meeting with Gods. Upon seeing us, she quickly made her way to us and stopped a respectful distance from us.

'Lady Era, Hera is inviting you to stay a few days at her place as a thank you for what you did for her today' the maid said and smiled her fake smile that still made me creeped out.

'That's a nice gesture' Hades said and I looked at him. He still played with my hair and I smiled at him.

'Are you letting me go to have some girl time?' I asked playfully and received a smirk back.

'I do, but we can always go back to my bedroom' he said and I had to bite my lower lip. He looked really hot with that smirk and I would have agreed if not for the maid who still stood by us and observed us.

'That's really tempting, but I do want to get to know Hera' I said to Hades. He glanced at the maid without any trace of his smirk.

'How long exactly?' He asked her with his voice crisp as morning frost. It only reminded me that he really hated this place.

'Seven days' the maid said with her smile not faltering one bit. I watched as Hades squinted his eyes in suspicion and then turned back to me.

'Then it seems I'll have to go without you' he said and brushed my cheek with his fingertips. The gesture in itself was really soft and made me warm and fuzzy inside. I smiled at him and lowered my head by his ear so that only he could hear me.

'That maid still gives me the creeps' I kissed his cheek and pulled away 'It seems like it, but it's only seven days. I'm sure you will be able to survive that long. But be sure to have your work done by the time I get back' I smirked at him again and got a smirk back.

'I will, dear. I'll definitely will' he said and we both stood up. We all walked down the mini stairs to the main door of the throne hall.

'Have fun, I'll be waiting' he said and kissed me. The kiss was really heated, full with lust and I answered him with passion. 'Tell Hera that I will come for Era myself' he said to the creep maid and after giving me another deep kiss, left. I watched him climb down the stairs and into the carriage that instantly took off while standing with dorkish smile.

'Lady Era, please follow me' the creep maid said shattering my love bubble and I looked at her. She still held her smile.

'Very well' was all I said and we walked to the same door that she came from.

We entered a long hallway with pillars on the sides and sky underneath us. Neither of us spoke and we reached glass doors in really unsettling silence. After that we walked through couple hallways until we reached golden door. It was small and had ornaments of birds in cages. The door itself looked like it was made from pure gold.

The creep maid opened the door and showed for me to go in. The moment I was in, the maid closed the door and I heard a click sound.

Panic seeped through me and I turned around to open the door. I pulled golden handle to myself, but it didn't budge.

'Hey! What's going on?!' I shouted and tried to open door again, but results were the same.

'Only I have the key' calm voice rang through the room and I felt anger build inside me.

'You...' I growled turning around and met sky blue ones. 'What do you want, Zeus?'

The man stood near a massive bird cage made from pure gold with hundreds of cushions inside. The room itself was closed off with only one wall open and supported by pillars. I looked around and saw thousands of birdcages hanging with exotic birds inside. There were small ones and big ones, some had long tails while others had fancy hairdo. All of them were chirping, but still made a pleasant overall sound.

'Why am I here?' I asked with a frown, watching as Zeus pushed himself from the cage on the ground. It seems that he made the creep maid lie to me and Hades. I knew that he will be pissed off real quick once he hears it.

'I have noticed that you really like to talk about things you are not supposed to talk, so I though I would give you...... new home' he said with a smirk on last words as he walked towards me.

'My home is in The Underworld' I said, worry swelling together with fear in my chest. I backed agains the door and felt cold metal cool my skin. Zeus walked up to me, making me trapped between him and the door.

'Yes, but until I punish you for ruining my family, you will stay here' he said and grabbed my chin. 'With your kins' he finished and before I could do anything, pain exploded in my head and I passed out.

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