Argument About The Argument

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I heard the door shut with a loud bang and I looked at Hades. He had a scowl on his face. Feeling me staring, he turned to me and sighed.

'I'm sorry for her behaviour. As you can see, she has her father's temper' Hades said and I stood up to fix the chair.

'Do you two always like this?' I asked. Two women walked into a hall with platers full with food and I felt my mouth water. They left with food on the table and I turned my attention back to Hades.

'Yes, we are. I guess it is hard to be away from your lover despite the gender' he said and took a golden fruit which cought my eyes. His food in general was weird. He had on his plate just a few golden apples or mangoes while I had normal human food.

'Then why don't you let her go?' I asked, curious about this whole brother deal.

'That would not please Zeus at all. He might think that I want to continue fighting with him again' he said and finished one of his fruits. His words made me angry and I couldn't hold my tongue.

'You are weak' I spoke before I could register my own thoughts. Hades froze for a second and then slowly turned to me, his eyes turning into crimson red in the process.

'What?' He said lowly with slight growl. I felt my stomach clentch, but kept the fear inside me.

'I said you are weak' I repeated myself.

'No one has ever said something like this to me. I could kill all humans in one second if I wanted' he said, but I shook my head.

'You have the power inside you, but you are weak because you can't deal with your younger brother' I explained. Hades frowned and leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving me.

'And what do you want me to do? This feud is just a simple bickering...'

'That is ruining other people's lives!' I cut him short. His eyes gleamed in anger, but I went on.

'For you two this might be just some annoying brother row, but other people are getting involved whitout their consent. Take Persephone for example. She would have been spending her time with the one she loves, while you, on the other hand, would have a free choice to whom marry.' I finished everything in one go and looked at the God with angry stare.

It was silent for a minute before Hades spoke.

'Why are you angry? This fight does not involve you' his calm voice angered me even more.

'I'm angry because I see people who are not happy! I'm angry because you let yourself being controled by some womanizer!' I shouted, heated in our argument.

'I'm not being....!' Hades shouted, bolting up from his chair, but I cut him again.

'Yes you are! Hades, you are the oldest son and Zeus should be the one to respect and listen to you! And yet you agree with everything he says and let him take control of the situation! You should show him that you are not to be messed with!' I shouted out and looked at him with laboured breaths.

The man before me stood with surprised face and stared at me. Then plopped down in his big chair with a thinking face.

'It's not easy to win against the one who rules the sky' he said, but I let out a sneer.

'Oh please, you have a whole Tartarus under you. One lift of the finger and Zaus is swimming in hordes of Titans. I'm sure he knows that too' I said, but saw how stiff Hades became and stood up with a sigh. I walked around him and sat beside him in the second fancy chair. He looked at me and I cought his gaze.

'I'm not saying to release them, but you can just mention them to make Zeus pee his pants and back down a bit' I said and Hades rose his eyebrows.

'And how would you do that?' His eyes went back to black and I smirked.

'Tell him that Cronus has missed him' I said and watched as his eyes widened a little bit, but was followed by a chuckle.

'That would definitely make him and others pee themselves' he said and I chuckled with him. I already had an image of that in my mind.

'You just need to take an upper hand and finish this fight' I said as Hades was staring at me. I didn't know what he was seeing, but I wasn't complaining.

Hades lifted his hand in silent and cupped my cheek and I couldn't hold myself from leaning into his cold palm.

'You know quite a lot' he said and I smiled.

'Or I can use my brains' I said and he chuckled.

'That too' he said and leaned to me, giving me a kiss. I moved one of my legs onto the chair and propped myself so that I could deepen the kiss. I hid one of my hands into his silky hair and pulled him closer to me while holding myself up with another. This man could set my body on fire just in a second and I didn't know why.

I finally pulled myself away from him when I ran out of air and smirked.

'What are you doing to me, man' I said and fell down to the chair. A smirk appeared on Hades' face as well.

'Begining to control you' he joked and I chuckled.

'Oh dear, I hope that is not true' I said just as the door at the very far end of the hall opened and Persephone stormed into the hall. She stopped when she saw us and I prayed that she couldn't see the after match of the kiss.

'You two actually look good on those chairs' she said with surprised face and I felt my cheek go red.

'That's your place' I said quickly standing up from the fancy chair and taking a few steps towards her. The Goddess smirked before me and linked her arm with mine.

'Oh no, you can take it. I'm sure you already have the God of the Underworld around your finger. Or the other way around, who knows. Sorry, Uncle, but I'm taking Era for a walk around the castle' she shot all the words in super speed and pulled me out of the hall.

I didn't turn around to say bye to Hades because my face was bright red and I knew that Persephone was right.

The man was beginning to wrap me around his finger whitout him realising it.

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