Bird Room And Fucked Up God Of The Sky

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Once I woke up, I was met by hundreds of chirping and cooing. It took me a moment to gather myself and open my eyes.

Before was a golden circle with lean golden bars splitting from the circle and going down. In the middle was a cylinder that was used for birds to sit.

Still feeling weak, I slowly shifted my body, but my arm gave out and I plopped face down onto cushions. They were made from velvet and silk, stuffed with feathers. It made them soft and comfy.

I laid there, listening to never ending songs and gathered my strenght while my mind filled me in with latest bad news.

Zeus lied to me and Hades, practically kidnapped me and locked me in a massive bird cage with my "kin".

Is he really that delusional and saw wings on my back?

I forced myself to get up and leaning against one of the bars I looked around.

The room looked still the same except me, as newest addition, locked in a bird cage.

My head was still in pain and birds definitely didn't help, but it seemed my luck turned its back to me because the golden door flew open and Zeus walked in like he owned this place. Most likely he did.

'You finally woke up' he said with amused smirk. I didn't say anything and simply threw daggers from my eyes at him. That made him chuckle.

'Don't need to be mad at me. I only do my brother a favour of getting rid of you' his voice turned ice cold.

'It would be even bigger favour if you got rid of yourself' I spat, my words full with venom.

I didn't exactly hated him before the hearing, simply didn't like him, but now I despised him.

I watched him walk to "my" cage and crouch near me. His eyes observed me and it made me really uncomfortable.

'Do you really think Hades loves you?' He asked out of the blue and that threw me off.


'Do you really think that he loves you?' He repeated and I looked at him. There wasn't any malice in his words or amusement. Not even curiosity.

'Of course he does, we-'

'Had sex?' He cut me short. 'That thing to us means nothing. Just one of the ways to pass time' That made my stomach boil with anger.

'Stop pushing your views on others!' I shouted and saw him squint his eyes at me. 'And I was trying to say that we connected. Sex was just another step of intimacy between us'

'He had many girls before you and all of them were far more beautiful than you'

I didn't understand what he was trying to gain here, but I didn't step down.

'Some people appreciate people by their inside and not outside'

Zeus sat down and leaning against the cage he looked forward. His eyes looked clouded and their shade of blue turned darker.

'I loved her. Still do' he said.

I sat there, looking at the God who didn't give a shit about others, talking with vulnerability about Hera. That was new.

'If you love her, then why did you rape her?' I asked, my voice automatically turning into a soft one.

'Because I knew that that was the only way to get her' he replied and his voice, once again, dropped into cold one.

'I'm sure if you courted her with chocolate and flowers, she would have fallen for you' I tried to reason with him, but got a sneer back.

'You think I didn't try it? She refused every gift from me and why? Because I had few lovers before her!' He shouted and bolted from his spot. His fists were trembling.

'If by "few" you mean over hundred then I can see her reasons behind her refusal' I said and he gave me a death stare, but that only made me sigh.

'Zeus, don't forget that I'm a woman as well. Hera refused you because she knew the odds for you cheating on her and she didn't want to get hurt or have an unhappy marriage. By raping her, not only did you crushed her soul, but you also made yourself a monster in her eyes' I explained to him, making sure my voice stays warm and friendly.

'You don't know a thing!' He shouted at me.

On his words I saw dark clouds rolling towards the pantheon. Not even a minute later they broke and huge storm began.

'You are just a worm that wiggled her way into my territory! You shouldn't have had even a say in this place and yet look at you! All mighty, fighting for your created justice and ruining other people's lives!' He went on. Thunder and lightening crossing the sky angrily just like the God before me.

His eye went white and I noticed that his fists were crackling, full with energy. Zeus' hair was whipping around his head, energy of his God blood lifting then up. The wind picked up and his tunic was trashing around, his blue aura shining brightly around him. Few cushions flew out of the cage and I watched as they tumbled down the floor and out of the room.

The birds began flying in their cages, unnerved by the God under them. Their chirps became frantic and the sound of their wings filled the room. I, on the other hand, found strength to move and made sure to be as far from him as possible. My heart was beating loudly, smashing against my ribs. My eyes were wide as deer's as I was watching my, most likely, upcoming death.

'If you didn't exist, my life wouldn't have been fucked up!' He roared and manifested a lightening bolt in his hands. Before I could even move, he threw the bolt to me and I was only able to shield myself with my arms before the lightening bolt hit.

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