I Kissed The Death And I Liked It

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@Dark_Spaces this is for you because of those CAPS, they made my day 😂

Coldness rolled away from him making the air around us chilling. I tried to focus on his eyes to keep the eye contact, but it was hard when all you see is black.

'Having hard time, dear?' he asked amused by my eyes going wild.

'How am I supposed to keep the eye contact when you don't have irises?!' I asked him frustrated and with a huff turned my head away. My heart was doing some army worthy laps as I could feel my ribs almost moving. I didn't understand why, but his proximity was affecting me in weird ways.

Suddenly, I felt my chin being grabbed and my head was spun back, our eyes locking again. His sudden move made my breath freeze in the throat and I just stared at him wide eyed. None of us made a move and we just stared at each other while mild breeze danced around the gazebo.

'You are invading..... my personal space' I managed to say, but he said nothing and just stared. I began feeling uncomfortable, because he was more like studying me.

Then out of the blue, he leaned even closer to me and our nose tips touched.

'You don't like that?' He finally asked me, his cold voice sending yet another shiver down my spine.

'It's not about me liking it or not, but about the view that we are providing for others right now. They might think that you are cheating on Persephone' I said and the air shifted between us. It was as if he woke up from a trance and in a blink I was released.

He walked away from me a bit and leaned with his back to the railing, not letting me out of his eyesight.

'Good point, but she is not my wife' a ghost smile appeared for a second on his face, but went away. It made me a bit sad for some reason.

'She is not your wife? Then who is it?' I was starting to daubt my Greek mythology knowledge. Even Astrid said that, right?

He put his hands on the railing and looked back to the water.

'She will be soon' he said and his voice gave me a sad vibe. Then it clicked.

'Aren't you her uncle?' I hoped I was wrong, but seeing his nod made me weak in my knees.

'Oh dear....' I said and looked away from him.

'Something is wrong?' He asked with judgement. I turned around and looked at him with a frown.

'And Hera is Zeus' sister. You guys are so disgusting! How can you marry your family members?!' I unconsciously raised my voice when asking the questions.

'Don't judge people by their decisions, Era. Everybody are in different situation' Hades said, but didn't move or looked my way. I breathed a heavy sigh before speaking.

'Okay..... Sorry, that is none of my business. My upbringing got in the way' I said and pinched my nose bridge for a second.

'Where are you from?' He changed the subject. The subject I was emotional towards.

'It doesn't matter' I said and felt my voice drop. I wasn't ready to speak about my home. Home that I was ripped away from whitout my consent.

As if sensing my, soon to be wild, emotions, he came next to me.

'Is it far away?'

I gripped the railings until my knuckles were white. I didn't look at him and focused o the moon's reflection in the water.

'So far away that even Aeolus wouldn't be able to reach it' I sighed and turned to him.

'They can reach any part of the world' Hades said with a frown. I couldn't tell him where I was from, he wouldn't understand me.

'It's not about the distance, it's.... it doesn't matter, Hades. All that matters is you giving me orders and me following them' I said, surprised at my own willingness to follow him. I was cursing him just a few days ago and now I decided to listen to him.

He looked at me for a moment and I can swear I saw a glint in his eyes for a moment. He was thinking of something.

'I won't follow stupid orders' I warned him and he raised his eyebrows.

'I only give orders that benefit me and the Underworld' he said and I saw that glint again. It made me nervous and I took a step back. He turned to me, his tall body overshadowing everything around us.

'What are you planing, man?' I asked and with one last step my back hit one of the pillars. My heart went into army laps mode again and I glanced at the gazebo entrance. Just as I did that, his arm appeared before me and with a thud hit the pillar by my head. His sudden move made me jump and I looked at him startled.

'What are doing?' I asked confused as he placed his another hand next to my head. He was really close again and I glued my body by the pillar.

'Giving you an order' he said and a smirk made it's way on his face. I had a bad feeling about it.

'I'm.... listening' I was uncertain about this whole situation.

'Kiss me' he deadpanned and my eyes went wide.


'You heard me' his face was serious as he looked straight into my eyes. I was shocked, to say the least.

'No....no, no, no.... I can't do it. Man, you.....' I let out a small protest, but it was cut by a growl like sound from him.

'Then I'll do it myself' he said and before I could react, he pulled me to him.

Our lips met in a rough kiss and I dug my nails into his biceps. I could feel his hard chest against me and I shudered.

'Don't.... get into... it...' My brain tried to warn me, but I couldn't resist. My eyes closed and I hid my fingers into his silky hair, pulling him even closer. Our tongues met and began dancing together, exploring. I could feel cold spreading through my body from Hades, but it felt the same as the warm fire in the fireplace.

We pulled away when we were out of breath and I just looked at him dazed.

'Let's get you to your new home' he chuckled and I let him take my dazed being with him.

You guys can't imagine how long I waited for this kiss. WHOOOO!!!

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