Truth Revealed

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Just as the all Goddesses left the room they were in, a maid ran up to them. She was out of breath, but bowed her head nonetheless.

'Lady Hera, we caught the maid who helped Lord Zeus in his plan' the maid rushed the words out and the Goddess gritted her teeth. She looked for a moment at the maid and then turned to her friends.

'You three go and get that spell, I'll deal with this one' she said and three Goddesses simply nod and power walked ahead of them.

'Where is this maid?' She asked little girl. She was quite young, maybe 14 years old, but her soul was unearthly pure, resulting her spot in pantheon where she will live in peace until her soul is comfortable to be reborn.

'In the dungeon. Lord Ares is with her, trying to get information out of her' she replied and Hera followed the girl.

They walked into the garden and her eyes shot up to the gazebo. It was her favourite place in this entire garden. White marble pillars were hugged by vines that had big white flowers that only showed their beauty at night. The gazebo was like a little island, isolated by water and it was easy to forget your problems while looking at the moon's reflection.

They passed rows of bushes with flower buds that made the air sweet with their scent, crossed a small bridge that had a happily dancing spring underneath and finally reached the furthest corner of the garden. It had two huge rocks that leaned to each other and made a gap in between.

The maid stopped by the entrance and stepped away, letting for Hera to go inside. The Goddess walked down the stone steps and entered a very long hall. On both sides were small rooms with one person locked in each of them. Most of them contained souls of humans who tried to destroy their influence on humans, but there were the rare souls who had guts to go against them. Like that maid.

She walked down the hall and made sure to ignore death stares from all those souls. She knew that they were jealous of her powers and immortality. Most likely her home as well.

She reached the heavy metal door with huge bolts at the sides and four chains crossing each other and making two x patterns. Before she could push the door open, they flew open themselves and a young man appeared before her. He had his shirt lost and streaks of blood crossed his muscled chest. His eyes were red and full with excitement.

Hera looked pointedly at the blood and back at Ares' face. The latter rose an eyebrow and leaned to the side of the door with his arms folded before him.

'What did you find out?' Hera asked without poking around the bush. Ares sighed and the Goddess saw his eyes dim a little.

'She doesn't say anything and just smiles unnatural smile. She doesn't feel like a soul to me. Not talking about being pure and all. If you ask me, she is just a friction of magic made by Zeus to fool us' he replied and Hera rose her brow.

'Not father anymore and just Zeus?'

The young man frowned and she saw Ares' eyes flare up again. This time it was furry.

'I might be a God of War and love death and bloodshed, but I have some respect for others. Upon finding out that he raped you, I have lost all respect for him.' He said and Hera couldn't stop the smile appear on her face.

'You are such a good son' she smiled lovingly and he gave her a cocky smirk.

'Wanna meet that creepy maid? You are closest to Zeus, so maybe you will see if she is the real thing' he said and moved into the room, giving for Hera space to walk in.

She saw the torture room and felt disgust bile in her throat. Through entire room chains dangled with even distance from one another and next to each one stood a table full with bloody instruments of pain and simple metal bowls with roaring fire. The room itself had no windows and dark molded walls of the room made you feel trapped. 

Right in the middle stood the maid. Her arms were risen up and had chains around them, holding her on her feet. When Goddess' eyes landed on the maid's face, she felt a shiver run down her spine. Her face was beaten up and all swollen, one eye turned black and blood was smeared all over. By the puddle by her feet, Goddess knew that her back must have been wiped. But despite all the pain she endured, a wide smile stretched across her face.

When she walked right up to her, Goddess could swear she saw the maid flicker, like an illusion who was running out of time. When she crouched before the maid and looked at her face, the woman's eyes didn't shift to her and blankly stared somewhere at Goddess' dress. Hera couldn't feel the warmth from the soul, so she stood up and looked at her son.

'She is not real' she said and turned to the illusion. Raising her hand, she touched the maid's forehead with a finger.


The maid began twitching, causing the chains rattle with her.

'I will remake the pantheon, so that I would be the only one ruling it. The only way to reach that goal would be destroying the hardest obstacle. Everybody knows that Hades is stronger than all of us, but that's easy to change. That human girl.... hm.... I need to get her out of the picture.... Damn her! If not for her, Hades would have married Persephone and I would have power over The Underworld through her! I need to make sure she doesn't show up again..... like bringing her back home! If I could get the spell to open a portal between her and this timeline then she would be gone AND Hades would be weakened by his broken heart. But I know he will try to get her back, so to spice things up for him... hahaha... once the same spell is performed to open the portal hahah... the timelines will forever separated and nothing will make them touch each other again.. hahaha.... HAHAHAHA.. H...ha..

The maid began breaking like something was caught in her throat and before Hera could do anything, the maid exploded. A huge cloud of ash flung into air and both Gods shielded themselves while waving hands in the air to break the cloud. With coughs and more arm swaying, the ashes finally settled down to the floor and Hera saw a white dress half swallowed by ashes laying before her.

'This is bad' Hera finally said and turned to her son who was frowning.

'How so?'

A shaky breath left Hera's lips. She had to reach her friends before it's too late.

'Athena, Aphrodite and Persephone is on their way to Chronus to get the spell. If they decide to use it on the spot then....' she couldn't finish the thought.

'Then we all are dead. You better hurry, mother' Ares said and with a kiss on her cheek, pushed her towards the door. Before Hera knew, she was running like a madwoman towards her wing of the pantheon where her carriage was.

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