Dinner Part 1

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We ran into my room and Agape closed the door behind us.

'Okay, I say we spice your clothes for dinner a little bit' she said going through my dresser.

'Spice up how?' I asked leaning to the wall next to her. She chuckled and pulled a knee lenght tunic. It was cream colour and simple, but somehow looked fancy at the same time. Maybe because it wasn't white like everything is in here?

'I don't see how you are spicing up anything with normal tunic' I frowned and Agape rolled her eyes.

'Girl, you are different from the rest of us and showing those legs of yours will have men wrapped around your finger' she gave me an evil smirk and placed tunic on the bed. I quickly took my clothes off and pulled the fancy cloth down my body. To my surprise it fit me perfectly. For jewelry I put some silver bracelets on my wrists.

'Now some makeup' Agape said pulling weird mixtures out of the boxes that were on my beauty corner's table.

I sat patiently on my bed while she made me more girly. She applied something wet on my eyelids, but before I could ask what it was the feeling went away. My eyes were contored by what I only can guess was khol and my lips were painted with cute pink paint. Let's hope it's not toxic.

Agape kept my fair hair simple. She braided my front hair and pulled it back creating a circle around it. As for shoes, I was given sandals with straps going to my knees.

'You look beautiful' Agape clapped her hands together watching me as I stood up.

'It was all you' I smiled. She giggled like a kid and turned back to the dresser. She pulled long sleaveless tunic with a veil.

'Why such a long one?' I asked and Agape giggled again.

'Era, I'm married. I can't show my body to other men' she explained and I frowned.

'So that's why you made me pretty. You want me to find a man' She simply wiggled her eyebrows and I shook my head.

After she was done we left the room and headed down towards the dinning room. When we came close enough to hear chatter I became a bit nervous. I have never seen what ancient greek life was and now I had the opportunity to see everything. I would say it was a great chance, but I still don't know how to get back so that was nerve wracking.

Agape flashed me a smile and we entered the room. The chat died out and all eyes were on us. I saw Akake sitting at the end of the table with a another man next to him. He was short and had quite a big belly. By the way he looked at me I could recognize a pervert in him. Next to Akake sat Hagne followed by Alkaios, empty seat for Agape and another man who I presumed was Herod. Opposite to Akake's family sat two young men who were looking at me as well.

I knew this was going to happen, but it's still awkward.

Agape went to her husband while I went to only seat available that was next to Herod. He smiled at me with a friendly smile and I returned it back.

'My my, Akake, you never said you had such beautiful thing in your house' the fat man said and my nose flared up. I gritted my teeth from an insult and bit my tongue to keep my attitude in place, but it didn't work.

'Sorry, sir, but the last time I checked I was a human not a furniture' I said coldly and the room went dead quiet again.

'Did I gave you permision to talk?' He asked with anger and I looked at him. Our eyes met and I held his gaze.

'Are you my father to order me around?' I countered back and the man's eyes went into lines. He wasn't pleased and I didn't care.

'You should keep your mouth shut. Women these days are useless' he spat and I rose my eyebrows.

'Useless? And yet you came from between our legs. Does it mean your mother is useless? Your wife too?' I asked. At my response a snicker came from my side and I glanced to Herod. He was all red from holding his laughter and few tears were running down his cheeks. I glanced at other two men across me and saw small smiles. I was winning.

I saw that the fat man was red aswell, but from anger. He opened his mouth to talk, but Akake interjected.

'If you want to keep your face then stop arguing, Arcadio. As you can see my guest is a smart one' he said and drank wine like nothing happened before him.

Hearing his name I bit my lip to contain a snicker. Never knew arcade mashine's "name" was know for so long.

Arcadio pursed his lips and angrily drank the wine. Then looked at me.

'You have some bad attitude' he said and I ate an olive.

'Thank you, it saved me multiple times' I said ignoring his glare.

'Where is your husband?' Herod asked and I glanced at him.

'Somewhere roaming this world doing God knows what whitout knowing about me' I said and popped another olive into my mouth.

'You don't have one' said one of the men across me as a fact and I smirked.

'Nope' I answered popping "p".

'Good for him, he would go crazy with you' Arcade mashine said and my smirk grew wider.

'Don't think so. In the country where I came from everybody are equals. That means my husband would treat me like he would treat himself. And that would lead to my attitude not showing up' I said and ate another olive. Damn these are good....

I noticed stares.

'What about slaves?' One of the young men asked.

'I said everybody. We don't have such nonsense' I said my mood dropping down.

'What about work?' Akake asked and I frowned.

'Uhhh... getting our lazy asses up and doing it by ourselves?' I saw Akake's face go into something like "not bad".

'Your country must be poor' the fat man said and I snaped.

'Shut your trap okay?! Stop talking because you make yourself look stupid. For your information my country is the most powerful in the world and we could wipe you out in seconds. We have things that you can only dream about! We work intire days to get a better life unlike you who only sits around and gets fat!' I shouted and instantly closed my mouth.

8 pairs of eyes were on me again.

You really need to shut up, Era.

Feeeee olives.....😝

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