Unrefusable Deal

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Two or so days passed after Hades told me about the timelines and my memories. Even though I now knew the reason of my memories deleting themselves but it was such a clean and slow process that I didn't even noticed how I forgot my parents faces. And for some reason, when I noticed that, I didn't feel sad or scared. I guess my life right now was far better than the one I had before and I was super happy with Hades.

During those two days I and Hera settled down with the date of the divorce meeting too. I was still surprised how everyone on Olimpus just followed my words. C'mon, I was a human that they can kill in a second. Why would they listen to me? Maybe because Hera agreed with me? She was the sister of Zeus and Queen of the Olimpus after all.

With all of these thoughts I was walking around the castle in search of Hades. Hera gave me a job to talk Hades into coming with me to Olimpus. Acording to her, he dreaded that place because of his and Zeus' fight and the happy feeling over all. He prefered the solitude down in the Underworld.

After such a long time you would think I would know where I was going but in truth, I had no idea. How long was I here anyway? Month? Maybe even a year?

I was so into my thoughts that I didn't see how I reached the end of the hall that had huge doors. My whole body slammed into them and to spice the hit, doors opened and I fell down into a room. A groan escaped my mouth and I rolled onto my back. Right as I looked at the door, they shut with a loud bang. Well, that was new.

Not liking cold floor I stood up and turned around. I stood in a large room that clearly belonged to Hades. How I knew that? Well, the King size bed at the far end of the room with black, almost see through drapes was a huge hint. The masive fireplace that had a small fire in it oposite of the bed with bookshelfs full with tomes was another hint. The fact that whole room was in black colour was a hint as well. Wait, maybe not. Whole palace was in black colour. Lastly, I have never seen this room. This one can't be a hint as well, since I find new things everyday.

With a small groan from headache that my thoughts caused I took a few steps into the room. It was a really beautiful one at that.

'You do know it's midnight, right?' A voice made me jump and I let out a scream. Turning around I saw Hades climbing out of the bed. My eyes instantly went down to his six packs and I felt myself begin to drool.

The silence that followed his words brought me back from my steamy thoughts and I looked up to his face. I noticed a glint of a smirk and forced myself to look anywhere but him.

'Sorry for intruding but your doors opened themselves and I how should I know if it's night or day? I don't see the sun' I blured out and looked at him, making sure my eyes stay on his face. He stepped into the light of the fireplace and my knees went weak. Girls, if you could see the view I had before me....

Before me stood Hades in only his pj pants. It was the second time I saw his half naked body and I must say, his body was really well build up. He was ripped and I just wanted to run my fingers across his chest. His hair was messed up a little bit and gave him a naughty charm.

'That is true. You should get into the rhythm soon enought' his deep voice woke me up from my eye rape of him.

'I came to nicely ask you to come with me tomorrow to Olimpus' I said and sat down on one of the couches before the fireplace. I felt him lean onto the coutch from behind me and I looked up. He was watching me like an eagle with his eyebrows furrowed.

'You know that I hate that place' he said and I sighed.

'I know but Hera needs you' I tried to persuade him. He held my gaze for a minute before he spoke again.

'You need me' he stated it as a fact and I half smiled.

'I do too. Zeus will try to rip me apart from what I caused. I didn't even mean to start this whole divorce thing' another sigh left my mouth.

Hades came around and sat next to me. For a moment he looked at the fire that crackled happily while devouring the wood, and then turned to me. A mischievous smile hung on his face and I knew that he had a plan or something.

'I will come with you if you give me something in return'

'Sure, what you want?' I asked confused by simplicity of his deal. Here I thought he would ask me to bring a golden chalice that is guarded by a minotaur or something.

Hades lifted his his arm and softly brushed my hair off of my face.

'You will let me taste you again' he said and I felt my inner thighs clench with need.

'That's it?' I asked in a whisper while moving closer to him with our eyes locked intire time. Before I know I was straddling him, our faces milimeters away.

'Until you can't live whitout my touch' his voice came out as a growl.

'Take me then' I whispered and hungrily claimed his lips.

Hades' hands traveled up my thighs hoisting my tunic up and exposing my naked legs. My skin was on fire from his touch and I wanted more. Deepening our kiss with our tongues dancing, I pulled my tunic off of me, leaving myself naked before him.

His lips moved from my lips down my neck. A moan left my mouth when he sucked my sensitive skin on my neck and began leaving love bites. My hands disappeared into his silky hair as I pulled him closer to me. I really wanted him to take me and fast.

As if reading my mind Hades stood up with me and walked to his bed. Parting the curtains he laid me down on his comfy bed and continued his kisses down my neck. I felt him grabing my thighs and my legs moved around his torso on themselves.

When he reached my chest and began sucking one of my nipples I felt like I was about to explode with need.

'Please...' I begged him and pulled him up, claiming his lips again. He got rid of his pj pants in a second and in one thrust we were connected. He began slowly moving but it soon turned into hard thrust.

'Yes!' I screamed with my head thrown back and back arched back. It felt so good that my hands gripped the bed sheets as in supporting me with all the pleasure I was feeling. Hades' hands gripped mine and our fingers intertwine as we reached the peak and he exploded inside me. A scream escaped me and a grunt left Hades as our bodies relaxed in pleasure.

We both were breathing hard with our bodies were still connected and coated with sweat. Hades had his face nuzzled to my neck while my legs were still around his torso.

'We are not done, dear' I heard him growl and I smiled.

Instead of answering, I moved my hips and began everything all over again.

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