Just Deal With It.... For Now

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The girl named Arina lead me through the house to the back of the second floor. When we reached the wooden door, Arina turned to me.

'This is where you will reside. If you need anything just call my name, miss' she said and with the bow left. I looked around the coridor and cought a woman trying to secretly look at me from the corner, but when our eyes met, her head disappeared. Not wanting to get even more attention I opened the door and walked into my room.

The room was square shape and was quite small compared to modern age ones. At the back was a small window looking towards the sea and under it was a bed made out of wood. Sides were carved with elegant spirals and one side had an arm support where the pillow was places. I already imagined my spine hurting tomorrow even if the bed looked one of the more expensive ones. And I was afraid it would break from my weight, but when I aproached it I saw metal nails supporting everything. By my bed was a small nightstand carved from wood as well and had fancy carvings. To my right was a table with ancient type make up, boxes for, what I assumed, women's jewelry and silver mirrors. To my left was a dresser of sorts with even more white sheets. I was glad to see a few sky blue tunics because my eyes were already hurting from so many white things. In the middle of the room was a huge red carpet covering almost all stone floor. Few plants stood in their stone pots and by the bed and beauty corner were lanterns with candles flickering and giving the room an orange glow.

It was a beautiful room, simple and cozy.

I sat down, exhaustion hitting my knees and sighed. My hands were shaking and I closed my eyes.

Everything around me screamed ancient Greece, but my mind refused to acknowladge that fact. I still couldn't believe that I traveled back in time. And how did that happen? I tried to remember the time when I left the party, but the last thing I was able to recover was a moment when I danced at the dance floor. I must have drank a lot and done something that threw me back in time. But what can a drunk person do to achieve that?

I was a person that believed in science and not magic or religion. Sure, miracles did happened across the world, but it happened because we still didn't know a lot of things. We were not smart enough to understand those cases. And in those cases were time travel. But now I was sitting in a room without electricity or running water, in a world where people ride in carts or on horses and freaking slavery is a common thing. As much as I tried to deny that I went through time, the answer was right in front of me, around me.

I indeed traveled back to ancient times of Greece.

I dug my hands into my hair not opening my eyes.

What am I supposed to do? If I would have touched an artifact or went to a sacred place with a totem or something and then traveled back, then atleast I would have a lead. Find that place and repeat what I did, but my case was a lot difficult. Not only I have no memories of what happened to me after or during second half of the party, but I was found next to the road in the middle of nowhere. I did not believe that by laying back to where I was found would bring me back. And even if it was then I would have to lay down exactly how I was found and I don't know my position before I came to my senses.

I let out a frustrated groan.

Okay, Era. For now you will have to play along and work for these people in order to have a roof over your head and food in your stomach while trying to remember what happened.

That was the best start I was able to think. I just hoped that alchohol didn't erase my memories completely.

Suddenly, I heard a shufle by my door and a soft voice rang through the room.

'Are you okay, miss?' Arina asked and my eyes snapped open. I rose my head and saw worried girl. Even though she was a slave she still was able to worry about strangers. She was a petite girl with dark brown hair to her shoulders and brown eyes.

'Yes, I'm fine I was just... thinking' I said and she closed the door behind her. She brought a silver plate with food and placed it on my nightstand. I saw cooked fish with vegetables and potatoes, grapes, olives and water. I was glad that people mainly drank water, but that still made me nervous about the cleaneness of this water. I was hopping that it didn't contain a lot of dangerous germs.

'Milady was worried that miss would be hungry so she sent food before sleep' Arina said and I smiled.

'Thank you' she nod and went to the dresser and opened it.

'Tomorrow very close friend of Lord Akake will be dinning with him and the guest requested miss to dine with them' she said and pulled out light cream colour tunic.

'Dine with them? I though women and men dine separately' I said confused.

'Yes, but the guest wants to dine with women' by the way she said I got worried.

'Does he enjoy women's company?' I asked and Arina went quiet for a moment.

'Yes. Please be careful, miss. He is known to have affairs with his slaves. Some say he has only women as slaves.' she said with worry in her eyes.

'So he is a pervert' I said seriously and got a confused look back at me.

'Pervert? May I ask what does it mean?' Arina asked while doing something by the beauty table.

'Pervert is, most of the time, a man who is not happy with one woman. He flirts, touches women and does other things with a big amout of women. And he tries to bed all of them of course. But there are women who acts lewd too' I explained as best as I could. Arina frowned in thought and smirked.

'Yes, that is perfect to say about him' she said. But, out of the sudden, she slapped her hand over her mouth and her eyes went wide. She looked with fear in her eyes and fell to her knees bowing.

'P-please don't punish me! This one talked out of her position! Please forgive me!' She pleaded. I quickly stood up and fell by her raising her up. She really scared me with her behaviour.

'Arina, what are you talking about, it was me who said all those things. Calm down, you don't need to apologise to me' I said and she sighed.

'Miss won't tell to Lord?' She whispered with her voice full with fear.

'Of course not, why would I? Call me Era too' I said and her she started shacking her arms in front of her.

'No no no no. I could never do that!' She said with her big eyes round as a dear's.

'Please?' I asked in baby voice and she giggled.

'Okay, Era' she said and I smiled.

We both stood up and I walked to my food. It looked delicious to me now since I was starving.

'I will let you eat in peace' Arina said opening door and I smiled at her.

'Make sure to say thank you for Hagne if you see her'

'Of course. Goodnight' she said and I bit her goodnight as well.

Whitout waiting for anything I dug into my food making sure to eat every bit of it. After I was done I took my boots and sleeping-gown and went to sleep. I wasn't comfortable enough to sleep naked in strange place.

After my head hit the pillow I instantly fell asleep.

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