End Of The World

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Silence stood in the hall with every single Olympian frozen in their spot. The air between them stopped and all eyes were on the man with beautiful black thorn tattoos that hugged his muscled arms.

The man's mouth opened and a huge, in pain and anger drenched roar escaped. It had so much power that all Gods were thrown down on the floor, even terrified God of the Skies.

Their home began shaking, air shifting around the roaring God as everybody watched in horror how shadowy mist began circling around the man. It wasn't just a simple show of power. Before their eyes the true form of Death was forming and they knew that nothing can stop it.

His hair, like a running water, changed from black to silver, his eyes painted crimson red. Muscles began rippling under God's skin from power that was awakened, causing his black tunic rip in different places. Tattoos began hissing as the shadowy mist swelled in his right arm, slowly forming Death's most trusted weapon. The jagged edges of a massive scythe formed from the mist, its edges drenched in dried innocent humans' blood.

The God of the Unseen had a new target and it was his brother.

The God of the Sky wasn't able to understand the importance of the human to his brother and in that moment didn't know what monster he had released.

Before he could even react, a massive whoosh sounded before him, but before he could stand up a foot pushed him down. The man looked up and saw his brother before him.

'Hades...' The God exhale, but his brother was gone. Before him stood someone completely else with a body of his brother. Hades brought his scythe down to his brother's chest and slowly dug its end into flesh. Excruciating pain exploded in God's chest. With pained filled scream his body flinched.

But Hades wasn't done.

He pushed the scythe even deeper and slowly began tracing down, enjoying screams that came from the body under his feet. Leaving a gaping wound on his chest, Hades crouched down.

He still wasn't finished.

Digging his hand in the sleeves of his brother's tunic he pulled out an orb. It was small and shone bright blue, but he was going to change that.

Breaking skin on his middle finger Hades let his blood pool.

'Don't do it!' Someone shouted, but their voices were far away.

Hades brought his bloody finger above the orb and let a drop of blood fall onto it.

'No...' wounded God groaned, but was ignored.

Hades watched as his drop of blood went through the thick glass and entered the orb. It began moving around and slowly began swallowing bright blue colour. At the same time another scream escaped wounded God together with a groan from the pantheon. Columns around them began to crack, bits and peaces falling down. Suddenly, with a low groan one of the pillars split in two and fell. It was followed by one of the thrones at the edge as it shattered into chunks of marble.

Panic seeped through Olympians as they watched their home falling apart.

But Hades still wasn't finished.

He loomed over his brother, who was panting and groaning as his Godly power that held the pantheon slowly evaporated into nothingness together with blue colour in the orb that was gripped in Hades' palm. Their eyes locked and wounded God growled.

'You... will pay... for that...' he panted out, but Hades face was void of emotions.

'You dared...' was all he said, his voice low and gruff.

Hades lowered his hand and with a little bit of fiddling unhooked his front key. It was a black key with thorns around the handle. That key held his main responsibility in The Underworld.

He brought the key before his brother's eyes and with two fingers snapped it in two.

Hundreds of screams rang through the pantheon, both human's who screamed in terror and titan's who roared in bliss of their new found freedom.

Everybody stood frozen in terror. Zeus lost control over the pantheon and was too wounded to give Olympians orders while Hades simply watched his brother.

'Why?! She was just a simple human!' He shouted with gritted teeth.

Hades grabbed his head and dug nails into the skin. If he used just a little more of his strength, he knew he would crush the skull.

'She was everything. You will never understand that since you are incapable of valuing life itself'

He let his head drop down and ignored Zeus' groan. Lifting his hand, Hades looked into the orb and whispered an order.

'Kill everyone in favour of Zeus, destroy everything that represents him'

With his words, the insignia on the main throne exploded and crumbled down the small steps that were half crumbled itself.

Then Hades grabbed Zeus by his head again and standing up lifted him like he was a rag doll. He looked at other Olympians who were glued to each other like chickens.

'Have fun'

And with that disappeared, bringing Zeus with him.

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