.:Chapter 2:.

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He looked at you closer, then realized who you were. "(Y/N)..? Is that you!?" He asked surprised. You nodded, "Yeah! Oh my god! Its been literally forever!" You said giving him a hug, and Riley ran over and hugged both of your legs. "I know right! Is this little guy yours?" Dan asked looking at Riley. "Yep. Riley, meet my childhood friend Danny." You told Riley. "Hi! I'm Riley and I'm 6!" Riley said holding up six fingers. "That is adorable." Dan said looking back at you. "We try. Hey Riley, why don't you go play at the swings for a little bit? Mama promises to play with you more later." You said, bending down and kissing Riley's forehead. He nodded then ran off.
"We have a lot to catch up on, (N/N). Also, happy birthday." Dan winked. "You remembered!?" You exclaimed, quickly turning around to face Dan.
"How could I not?" He smiled and put his arm around your shoulder.
"So, where do you want to start for catching up?" He asked. "Hmm..." You walked over to a set of swings near Riley and sat down. "How about we start with you? And let's begin where we left off, right after I moved." You said, watching him sit next to you.
He told you all about what's happened with him and about what he does now, which made you laugh.
"Wow, suits you." You said, poking him. "Hey! Your turn, and don't leave anything out." He said, poking you back.
"Okay, so we moved to Spain and nothing really happened in that time period. Mom got remarried and that's about all that happened that was relatively interesting. Uh, I met Riley's dad when I was a senior and we got married after I graduated with my music degree. A few years later Riley happened and his dad stayed for 4 years of Riley's life before stepping out and leaving us. We divorced and I moved here to California 2 years ago and have been living here since." You said, summing it all up.
"Damn... Isn't that jerkish?"
"Yeah, but we were falling out anyway. It turns out he was cheating on me with some slut. I'm the one who ordered the divorce." You said.
You felt Dan hug you and you smiled, "This has to be the best birthday present ever, just saying."
He began to chuckle and Riley ran over, "Mama! Danny! Look!"
We looked at Riley and saw he was holding a very pretty rock. "Ooh, that's pretty. Where did you find that?" You asked and he dragged you over. Dan followed, amused that you were easily being pulled around by a six year old.
He dragged you to a little area by a tree where other rocks were. They were all different shades of pink and blue.
"Wow! They're all so pretty." You said and Riley grinned. "They are." You heard Dan say thoughtfully.
You thought for a second, then bent down to Riley. "Hey, Riley, want to go play with Mrs. Lidia?" You asked him. "Sure!" He said and you winked at Dan. "Okay! Let's go see if she wants to play."
You grabbed Riley and Dan's hands and took them over to your neighbor, Lidia's house.
Knocking on the door, the old woman walked to the door and opened it.
"Ah! Riley, what a surprise! Why, (Y/N), nice seeing you again." She said sweetly. "Hello Lidia, do you feel like playing with Riley today? I'll come by later to get him." You said and she laughed.
"Of course! Also, when you come by, I have something for you." She said. "Okay. Thanks again!" You took Dan and led him next door to your house.
Walking inside, you smiled. "Welcome to my place."
"Nice!" He said looking around. "Thanks. But I thought maybe you'd like to catch up over lunch?" You asked. "Hmm, okay. But! Only on one condition, I get to surprise you where." He said.
"Deal." You smiled and he grabbed your keys and blindfolded you.

What do you think Lidia's gift is?



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