.:Chapter 13:.

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You felt someone shift under you. Opening an eye, you saw Dan fast asleep.
But you also heard something else.
You glanced up, but made sure to still seem asleep.
What you saw was Arin and everyone else all giggly and taking photos. Riley was asleep next to you and Dan, slightly snoring. "Duuude, they look like a sleeping family." You heard Ross say, probably to Arin.
"This is a first. Take as many pictures as you guys can." You heard Brian order.
"Yes sir!" Barry said, getting all up close for close ups.
You heard Suzy whisper something, but you shrugged it off. Probably nothing to worry about.
"We should!" You heard Holly exclaim, but was instantly shushed by Arin.
You carefully listened and watched Suzy and Holly grab plastic rings. You felt them place one on one of your fingers, and you guessed the other went to Dan.
"They're married now!" Suzy whispered happily.
"And Riley is their cute son!" Holly continued.
Finally you decided to let them know you were awake. "Is this what you guys do normally to each other?" You asked quietly, opening your other eye.
"(Y/N)! How long have you been awake..?" Suzy asked. "Long enough to have pictures taken of me and apparently get married." You smiled, sitting up.
Ross snuck out of the room with Holly while Arin held Suzy back.
"Oh? Hanson and Berhow decided to stay? Well, then how about you two explain exactly what you were planning here." You smirked.
"Explain what...?" You heard someone mumble.

"Oh Danny! Perfect timing." You turned to the tired mess of hair.

Hey! I'm back!

Sorry I've been gone for a while, but I've been really busy and a little stressed.
Just a little though, I'm okay.

I think I may be sick tho.... -.-

I have the sniffles and my throat hurts....


Probably overreacting.
You never know.

Anyway, sorry for the chapter. I'm trying to get back into the writing habit.

Love you guys!

P.S. my alarm clock(aka my cat) hasn't woke me up since Thursday! Yay(?)!

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