.:Chapter 12:.

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Quick A/N: So this will be mainly back story(hence it being mainly italic), again varying from different times of your life. Please don't hate me for this.

Danny was sitting beside you in your bed when you started to cough a bit. "(N/N)? Are you feeling okay?" Danny asked, looking at you. "Yeah...." You said, coughing a little more before laying your head on Danny's shoulder. "You're burning up, (N/N)! Maybe we should call Emily..." He said, carefully laying you down before running to get your mom.
You were laying in bed when you heard your window open. Looking over, you saw Danny climbing through.
"Hi! Feeling better yet?" He asked as he fell onto your bed.
"Not yet.... Sorry." You said, trying to sit up. He helped you and then grabbed the bag he brought.
Opening it, he pulled out a book. "I can read you something then!" He smiled, opening the book.
You both got comfy and he began reading.
This was your first time being sick without Danny being there to help you get better. Shifting in bed, you looked at your window, but soon remembered Danny wouldn't climb through. You're in Spain after all.
Sighing, you coughed a little and closed your eyes, a few tears slipping through.
You heard your window open, and you felt your heart beat a little faster. Looking up quickly, you hoped to see a certain person.
But, your smile faded when you saw it was just Antonio.
"Wow, somebody isn't excited to see me." He said, smirking a bit.
You sighed, "Sorry, for a moment, I thought you were someone else."
"Its okay, hey! Wanna watch a movie?" Toni asked, hoping off of your window seal and hopping onto your bed.
"Sure..." You said, thinking about what Danny would be doing right now.
You had given up on seeing Danny again, knowing now you are many miles apart from him.
You were sitting on the couch enjoying some soup when the phone began ringing. Picking it up, you heard a voice you thought you'd never hear again.
"Hello?" You asked.
"Hi, is this (Y/N)?" A very familiar, yet different voice asked.
"And what if I said yes?" You said, putting the bowl down.
"Well, then I'd cry. Its been a long while, (N/N)." He said, in a soothing tone.
"It indeed has, Danny. How'd you get this number?" You asked, smiling.
"Emily. She told Avi who gave the number to me." Danny said, catching on to how your voice sounded.
"Are you sick?"
"Maybe... But enough about that. Tell me everything that has happened to you since I left!"

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