.:Chapter 23:.

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.:A Couple Months Later:.
*Beep Beep*
*Beep Beep*
Sighing you turned the alarm off and rolled over in bed.
Antonio had been arrested and his mother apologized. She hadn't known about the divorce or anything and you forgave her.
Getting out of bed, you walked into Riley's room. Today he'd be returning to school after winter break.
"Riley, wake up hijo. You have school today." You said turning on the light and walking to his closet.
Riley rolled over facing away from you and you smiled. "Hijo, come on."
You heard faint giggling and looked in the closet, finding Riley an outfit.
"Here, I'll go make breakfast." You out the clothes on the bed as Riley sat up.
You walked into the kitchen and began to make some eggs and toast. Riley ran into the room on your phone, talking to someone.
"Mama, it's for you." He held up the phone as you finished making breakfast.
"Okay, go eat." You gave him his plate and took your phone.
"Hello?" You asked.
"(Y/N), I have a question." You heard Suzy say on the other end. "Suzy? Okay, ask away." You took your plate and sat at the table across from Riley.
"How would you like to be in Grumpcade with Ross and I?" She asked.
"Sure. When is the recording?" You asked, taking a bite.
"We can record when you arrive. Arin and Dan said they were going out probably on a date you never know. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that we have the Grump space to ourselves and Ross asked me if I would record and he asked if you might be wanted to join as well." Suzy said and you smiled.
"Okay! Calm down a bit. Let me take Riley to school and then I'll be right over." You said and you heard Suzy yell something to someone.
"Kay! See you soon!" Suzy said as she hung up.
"Mama, can I go to Diana's house today?" Riley asked you as he finished his breakfast.
"Diana Han?"
"Yeah! She and her Mama invited me over for a playdate!" He smiled brightly.
"Okay. Hand her Mama this so I know when to pick you up." You said writing down your contact and giving it to Riley.
"Yay!" He bounced up and ran to grab his backpack.
Smiling you finished your breakfast, got ready, and took Riley to school.


It's currently as I am writing this 12:43 am.


Goodnight Lovelies~

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