.:Chapter 10:.

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So, after your kiss last night, you both confessed everything you've felt for each other over the years of separation.
You felt someone roll over beside you. Confused, you reached your hand over and felt something fluffy.
Opening your eyes, you saw Dan's back.
That's when you also remembered what happened last night. Blushing, you slowly got up and took a shower. Riley was sitting on the couch drinking chocolate milk when you walked in.
"Mama!" He said, hopping up and jumping onto you. "Hey there buddy!"
"How's Mama?" He asked.
You smiled, "Mama is great. How is Riley?"
"If Mama is great, so is I!" He giggled.
You placed him down and walked into the kitchen, remembering you were going to pull Riley out of school early to meet the grumps.
After that, you and Dan planned to head back to New Jersey for Thanksgiving, show Riley around where you both grew up.
You began to make breakfast when you head giggling. Looking into the living room, you saw Riley and Dan playing around.
"Up already? Awe man, and today's breakfast was meant to be a surprise." You said with a smug look.
"Oh? A surprise huh? You got me curious now, (N/N)." Dan said, going back to ticking Riley.
"You will have to wait, Danny. This will also be Riley's first time trying some of these." You said, walking back into the kitchen.
When you finished making breakfast, you heard running. Right on cue.
"Oh my god, (Y/N)! Is that what I think it is!?" Dan asked, looking at what you made. "What is it?" You heard Riley ask.
"Jersey style bagels." You said and Dan reached for one. "Not yet, Avidan. We have to let them cool."
He pouted and picked Riley up, "Mama is being mean again." Dan said in the best 4 year voice he could manage.
"Mama! Don't be mean!" Riley scolded you. You couldn't keep the laughter in and fell to the floor laughing.
Dan was also failing at keeping his laughter in.
"What's so funny?" Riley demanded.
You and Dan just kept laughing.

After breakfast, you drove Riley to school. "Have a good day, Riley. Remember I'm coming to pick you up later!" You called. "Okay Mama!" He said, waving. You watched him run up to a girl and they walked off together.
"Oh? Somebody got a girlfriend?" Dan asked and you smirked.
"I didn't know he liked Diana Han that way." You said, driving off.
"Well, too bad. I wanted to keep him safe from the dangerous women longer." Dan sighed.
You looked at Dan, "Whoa, says the one who's boyfriend has been spamming my phone wondering where I took you. Guys are way more dangerous judging by what he's been sending me."
"Yeah, your boyfriend Arin. He's been texting me about ALL of the stuff you two have done while alone." You said, motioning towards your phone.
"He betrayed me! I told him not to tell anyone about those things!" Dan gasped, grabbing your phone.
You stopped at a red light watching Dan put in your pass code and reading through Arin's texts to you.
"Well I feel betrayed. We vowed to never share our secrets of that night." Dan put your phone down as the light turned green.
"Hey! It was Arin, not me!" You laughed.

You dropped Dan off at the grump space. Checking the time, you began heading back to the school. When you arrived, you walked into the office.
One of the secretaries noticed you, "May I help you?"
"Yes, I need to pick up my son." You said, searching around your bag for something.
"What is his name?"
"Riley (L/N)."
"Okay, you're mom?" She asked, looking in the computer system.
"Okay, we'll call him down." She smiled, picking up the phone and dialing a number.
"Riley (L/N), you are needed for dismissal." The secretary called.
You found what you were looking for and you took a water bottle out as well. Riley came running in with his backpack on his back.
You smiled and picked him up, signing a paper then walking out with him.
"Psst, Ri." You said putting him down and handing him the water bottle. "Okay, remember what the doctors said. 2 pills a day around noon." You said, taking 2 pills out of the pill bottle.
"Okay." Riley said, taking the small pills.
"Good boy. Let's go say hi to Danny's friends." You said and Riley nodded.

Once you arrived at the grump space, you texted Dan.

You: Ready? We're here.

Dan: Yep, you're lucky, everybody is here today.

You: Lucky me.

You walked around to the backseat and helped Riley out. "Come on little one, let's go."
Taking his hand, you two walked into the grump space.

Why do you think Riley had to take pills?

I'm just wondering what you think even though it will be revealed next chapter.

Either way, THANK YOU FOR 200+ READS!
Also, my "alarm clock" is resting on my dads lap as I give him a look.

....... Evil cat, why do I love you?

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