.:Chapter 25:.

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.:A Couple Months Later:.
Ever since you beat Ross and Suzy at Halo, Ross has been demanding a rematch, which you keep declining.
Sighing, you laid on the giant beanbag chair in the office and you felt a sudden weight fall on top of you.
Looking up, you saw Danny, probably exhausted from laughing and yelling at a game all morning.
"Hey." You greeted, raising your head.
"Hi." He replied, sounding tired.
You smiled at him and lowered your head, "Done for the day?"
"Yeah, I just wanna nap now.." He moved position and snuggled up against your side.
"Danny... I have to go pick Riley up soon." You told him and he just pulled you closer.
You looked at him and noticed he fell asleep. Sighing with a smile, you slowly wiggled out of his grasp and placed the other giant beanbag onto him.
"That'll teach him." You grinned and grabbed your keys.
Walking off you said bye to the others and got into your car. While driving the the school, you decided to have a day out with Riley, and celebrate.
After all, he did get a 102 on his science test.
When you arrived at the school, they had just let out. Parking in front of the school, but out of any buses way, you waited for Riley.
When he got into the car and buckled up, you looked at him from the mirror.
"How was your day?" You asked him and he bounced around in his seat happily.
"Amazing!" He grinned and you chuckled.
"I bet." You smiled and began heading home.


When you got home, you watched Riley run off into his room. Checking the time, and noticing it was Friday, you smirked.
"Hey Riley! I have a little something to tell you!" You called and he ran into the living room.
"Yes Mama?" He asked, looking at you as you bent down to his height.
"How do you feel about going to the movies? Just me and you?" You asked him and his face lit up.
"I would love too!!!" He bounced around and you laughed.
"Well, come here and let's pick a movie!" You pulled out your phone and Riley ran around behind you, jumping onto your back.


After picking a movie and checking the time it would play, you got Riley ready to go out. Afterwards, you two headed towards the car and you began driving towards the movie theatre.
"Hey Mama? Guess what!" Riley leaned forward.
"What?" You asked, turning the music down.
"Diana let me eat lunch with her and her friends!" He giggled.
"That's great, hijo!" You smiled brightly and he copied you.
Once you got to the movies, you ordered one large popcorn and two drinks. Sitting down in your seats, you threw a tiny piece of popcorn at Riley, who giggled silently and threw a piece at you.
Let's just say you both left the movies smelling like butter.


The next morning, you woke up to Riley hugging you in his sleep. Smiling, you patted his head and realized he needed a haircut soon. Yawning, you got up and took a shower. Riley was still asleep in your bed when you got out, and you just chuckled silently as you made your way to the kitchen.
After making breakfast, you texted Dan.

Heya sleepyhead. Just reminding you that you promised to take me out soon so we can tell each other about how stupid we were when we were little.

P.S. What haircut should Riley get?

Placing your phone down, you saw a sleepy boy walk out of your room.
"Mama?" He asked and you walked over to him, "Yes, hijo?"
"I love you." He hugged your legs and your heart melted.
"I love you too, my hijo." You bent down and hugged him.
"Here, go sit down and I'll pull out an outfit for you. We are going to give that hair of yours a haircut." You gave him his plate and walked into his room. While picking out an outfit, you received a text from Dan.

Riiiight. Also, searched Google, how's this for the little Bud?

 Also, searched Google, how's this for the little Bud?

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Gtg record. Love you babe.

"Not bad..." You saved the picture and texted Dan back.

Love you too, hun.

After placing Riley's clothes onto his bed, you ate your breakfast and helped Riley change.
"Hey, Mama? What are we doing for my birthday?" He asked and you looked at him.
"Lets see here, soon school will be out for the summer, and it will surely be warm enough for swimming." You grinned. His eyes widened and he attacked you with a giant hug.
You laughed and finished dressing him. "Now remember, we need to go get your hair cut. And I know just the place."


You walked out of the salon and looked at Riley, who was playing with his hair. You also got your hair trimmed up and a little shorter.
"Thank you Mama!" He laughed and you patted his head.
"Your welcome. Now, let's go show off to Lidia shall we?" You took out your keys and Riley ran towards the car.

I'm baaack!

Here is you chapter and now, I shall act like the nocturnal thing I am and write the next chapter!


P.S. happy now everyone? Lol

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