.:Chapter 6:.

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You were on your way to the grump space, dropping Riley off at school. Stopping at the red light, you pulled out your phone.

You: Hey Danny, I got a surprise for you when I get to the grump space.

Dan: Really?

You: Yeah, but its a secret till I get there 😉

Dan: Now you got me interested...

Smiling, you put your phone up and began to drive. When you arrived, walking in, you were met by Dan.
"What's the surprise?" He asked.
You just smiled and continued walking. "Its a secret~."
He followed you around, begging to know what it was, till you finally got satisfied with his begging.
"Okay, fine. Come here." You said, pulling the photo album out and you sat at the table. Dan instantly sat next to you.
You slid the book over to him and he opened it. "No fucking way..." He said and your smile grew. "I found it last night. God, we made some pretty good fucking memories." You said, watching him flip through.
"We did, oh my god, I remember this!" He said, pointing to a picture of you chasing him with a stick.
You heard someone stop walking behind you both, turning your head, you saw Arin looking over your shoulders.
You pointed next to a spot next to Dan and he sat down. "What's this?"
"Arin, (Y/N) has found a fucking time capsule of our childhood." Dan said, flipping back to the beginning.
You and Dan showed Arin all of the pictures and told him the stories that went with.
"Damn, that sounds fun.." Arin said laughing. "It was! She seriously pushed me down that hill without me knowing though..." Dan said, talking about the time you pushed him down a snowy hill.
Looking at your phone, you sighed. "Its around that time, huh?"
Arin and Dan looked at you confused. "What time?"
"Thanksgiving." You said. "Emily and Will are in Spain, and I don't really want to return to Spain. David, I don't know about him." You looked at them.
"Emily? Will? David??" Arin asked confused.
"My mom, step dad, and dad." You clarified with a smirk.
"David? Wait, you haven't heard, have you..?" Dan asked with a worried face. "Heard what..?" You asked, your smile disappearing. Dan looked at Arin and Arin left. Dan took you somewhere private and took a deep breath.
"David died. He killed himself after you and Emily left." Dan said.
You didn't know how to react. One part of you wanted to curl up and cry, while another part of you wanted to just say, "Eh."
You hugged Dan, tears slowly coming out. Dan hugged you back, trying to comfort you. The tears just broke out, but to keep silent, you cried into Dan.
"(N/N).... Its okay, I'm here..." Dan whispered. You hugged him tighter in response.
"W-We probably didn't hear it be-because we were in Spain.." You said between sobs.
But you knew the truth. Emily kept it from you so you wouldn't break down like this. You knew because for a week, Emily didn't seem herself. She just seemed, sad.
After you calmed down, Dan kissed your forehead. "You feeling better?" He asked. You nodded, "Yeah... Thanks Danny." You said, a small smile forming on your face.
"Good. Because I just looked at the time and Riley is almost out of school."
You looked up shocked and looked at the time, he was right.
"Shit." You said getting up and grabbing your keys. "See you guys later! I'll see if I can bring Riley next time!" You said, running out to your car.
Leaving the photo album behind with Dan.

That was sad/adorable.

I wonder, deep down, if I actually do have a heart.

Just checked in with my insides and friends, still no heart.

Oh well.


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