.:Chapter 21:.

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The three of you quickly stopped by a clinic somewhere before going home to get you stitches.
When you guys returned home, you put on a smile.
"We're back!" You called, walking into the house.
Looking over at Avi, he was laughing at something. Following his eyes, you found Dan in front of you with all of the boys on him.
Amused,you asked, "Need help?"
He looked up and reached out for you, "Help..."
Laughing, you stepped back a little. "No! Come back!!" He called as the boys began to play with his hair.
You began to laugh a little harder when they began to really play with his hair. Riley began putting it up into something, so you took you phone out and began to record the whole thing.
"(Y/N)! Please save me!!" Dan began begging and you bent down.
"What do I get in return?" You asked, looking at the boys and they stopped.
"Anything eh? I'll think about it." You snapped your fingers and the boys then started to play with Dan again.
"(Y/N)!" Dan called/laughed.
You finally gave in after a few more minutes and shooed the boys away.
Helping Dan sit up, you sent the video to Arin.
"Why did you think so long..?" Dan asked out of breath. You just hugged him while giggling. He smiled and hugged back, "Whatever."


Seeing as it is 1:16 am,

Comment what you are thankful for~

See you guys next time!

P.S. sorry for the short chapter,I'm tired and this is what all I could manage while being in a no idea hole.

Also, thank you for 100+ votes!!


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