.:Chapter 11:.

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Once you entered the main room in the grump space, you heard someone walk over.
"Hey, (Y/N)! Dan and Arin are currently grumping, they should be free soon." You heard Suzy.
"Mama, who is this?" Riley asked.
"Oh my god he is so cute! Is this Riley?" Suzy asked, bending down to Riley's height.
"Yep, meet Riley. Riley, meet Suzy." You said, introducing them.
"Hi!" Riley smiled and Suzy hugged him. "Too adorable for me to handle!"
You saw Barry walk over, "Why is Suzy so- Oh? Is this Riley, whom I have heard so much about?"
"Yeah, this is my little one Riley." You said, trying to pry Suzy away from him.
Barry was telling Riley hello when you heard muffled yelling. "Well, Arin doesn't seem happy..." Barry said.
"Uh... I'm going to see what's up." Suzy stood up and walked over to the grump room.
Riley looked over you, watching Suzy enter the grump room.
"Who's the small kid?"
Looking up, you saw Ross standing there with a bottle of water.
"Well, Ross, this little one is mine. And his name is Riley." You smirked and Riley looked up at Ross.
"Wait..... You're a mom!?" Ross exclaimed and Riley giggled. "This one funny!"
You began laughing at Riley's broken English while Ross stood there frozen.
"Ross, you are an idiot. Dan has been talking about (Y/N) and Riley since they met up again." Barry sighed.
Ross picked up Riley, "Well, he's mine now."
"But Suzy has already tried claiming ownership of him...." That's when you got an idea and gave Barry a look.
Sitting up straight, you tried out your motherly tone.
"Ross, please hand Riley back to me."
Ross froze and stared at you. Barry caught on, "Uh, Ross, she's using the motherly tone on you. Don't you know to not mess with moms?"
Ross almost instantly put Riley down as Suzy returned.
"What's with Ross?" She asked. "(Y/N) used the motherly tone on him." Barry said.
Suzy began to giggle while Ross tried to defend himself. Riley was also laughing while all of this went on.
"Whoa, what's going on?" We heard someone ask. Turning around, you saw Brian holding a mug.
Riley pointed at Brian confidently, "Ninja."
Everyone broke out into laughter, "Wh-Where did you learn Brian was a ninja, Riley?" You asked him.
"Danny's stories." Riley said, looking proud of himself for remembering.
"What kind of stories is he telling you?" Brian asked.
"Stories about how Danny and Ninja go save princesses!" Riley said excitedly.
"Is that so?" Suzy asked. "Yeah! And he says his pet Barricorn helps as well!" Riley jumped up, getting even more excited.
"I feel loved!" Barry exclaimed happily, falling onto his back.
"Wow, Dan has actual PG stories?" Ross whistled, walking away.
"Well, you learn something new everyday." Brian said, taking a sip of whatever was in his mug.
Suzy got up to go check on something and Riley walked over to you and Brian.
"Is his stories true? Are you really a ninja?" Riley whispered, making you giggle.
"Yep, very true. Danny and I just take breaks every now and then from saving people." Brian said, lifting his eyebrows.
You were having a giggle fit and Riley gasped in amazement.
"Wow...." He said, his smile growing. "That's so cool! Now I can tell my friends Mama is friends with a hero and a ninja!" Riley bounced up and down.
"If only he were old enough to understand." You whispered to Brian who just smiled.

After waiting a bit longer, you heard someone digging around in your bag. Looking behind you, you saw Dan looking for something.
"Back pocket, Danny." You said, smiling. "Thanks!" He said, pulling out a bag with a bagel in it.
"Hmm? What's this?" He asked, looking at Riley's pill bottle.
"Oh that? That's to help Riley with his social anxiety." You said, checking the amount left in the bottle.
"Do you mind if before we head off, I get a refill for Ri?" You asked.
"Nope. We can also pick other stuff up if needed." Dan said, walking over to the microwave.
"Where's the little one?" You heard Arin ask.
"Find Brian. If you find Brian, you find Riley." You said, looking at Arin.
"Why Brian?"
"He wanted to know more about the adventures of Danny and Ninja Brian." You smirked.
Dan burst out laughing behind you both as Arin got a frightened look on his face.
You laughed at Arin's fright, "I-Its a PG version of their adventures luckily."
Arin sighed and walked off, trying to find Brian.
You coughed lightly and Dan instantly noticed. "Again?" He asked, walking over. "I'm okay... Its just a tiny fever." You told him.
He felt your forehead anyway, "Tiny? Your face is burning up."
"Nope. Come on, let's go see if I remember how to do this." Dan said, grabbing your hand and leading you over to one of the couches.


OwO I'm such a great person.

Especially with what I'm about to do next.

Bow down to me, peasants.

Jk, but seriously, next chapter you may either REALLY hate me or REALLY love me.

Either way, just know I live you guys.

Tomorrow I have another basketball game to attend, but I'm working concession, so let's see how I do.
I will try to work on the next two chapters when I'm free!
Love you guys!

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