.:Chapter 15:.

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Dan had finally calmed down by the time he had to grump.
"See you when you're done." You said, missing his cheek as he disappeared into the grump room with Arin.
Riley tugged on your shirt.
"Mama, this fell out of your bag when I tried to get my water."
You looked at what he was holding and nearly freaked out. But you kept a calm face, "Here, can I have it please?" You asked.
He nodded and handed the item to you, "What is it?"
You kneeled down beside him and showed the item, which was a picture.
"This? Its just something I keep around me. Sometimes I look at it and remember what it was like when I was younger." You explained.
The picture was of you and Antonio at an amusement park. "Who is that?" Riley asked pointing at Antonio.
"That, little one, is Papa. Don't you remember him?" You asked Riley.
"Not really.." He frowned.
"So that's Riley's dad? How old were you two!?" You heard Ross behind you.
"Uh, 16 I think?" You said, looking up. He still studied the picture, "I swear I've seen that guy somewhere before..." He mumbled.
"Do you have any other pictures of him?" Ross asked.
"Well, yeah. Why?"
"Just wondering. Can you go get them real quick? I'll watch Riley, with Barry's help."
"Okay? Just make sure you guys actually watch him." You said getting up.
Riley looked like he was in deep thought when Ross patted his head.
"Wanna see me make pictures move?" Ross asked Riley who was pulled out of thought and looked excited.
You smiled and grabbed your keys.

When you arrived back at the grump space again, you carried a little pile of photos, held together by a string.
You sat down at the table, Riley sitting on one side and Ross on your other.
Untying the string, you looked at the first picture.
It was of Antonio holding Riley for the first time, not smiling.
"Hey, uh, you can continue to look. I need to, um, go over here for a sec." You said, walking over to a little secluded area.
Leaning against the wall, you tried to calm down. It always hurt to see Antonio, picture or not.
Falling to the floor, you closed your eyes and tried to remember the last time you saw Antonio genuinely happy.
When you opened your eyes, Riley was standing in front of you holding a certain photo.
"Mama..? What is this one?" He asked, handing you the photo and sitting in your lap.
You looked at the photo and nearly felt like crying.
It was the wedding photo, you in your beautiful dress and Antonio all dressed up.
"This? This photo was taken when Mama and Papa got married." You told Riley.
He nodded, but you could tell he was trying to remember Antonio.
You didn't notice Ross enter the room.
"Mama, why aren't you and Papa together?" Riley asked.
"We just didn't love each other anymore. Besides, now I've found someone better." You said, kissing Riley's head.
Barry called for Riley and as he ran out of the room, you noticed Ross standing there.
"What really happened, (Y/N)..?" He asked.
"Do you really want to know?" You asked him. He nodded and Arin walked in with Dan.
"What's up?" Dan asked, feeling the slight tension in the room.
He sat on the couch and you got up, sitting beside him. "Ross was wondering what happened that made me leave my ex-husband." You said.
Dan put an arm around you and Arin sat down, "I was kinda wondering that too."
"Are you guys sure?" You asked.
They nodded and you looked at Dan, who smiled. "You want me to tell?"
"Please do. If I try I might breakdown in the middle." You said and Dan sat up.
"Okay, so you see..."

Its midnight and I can't breathe through my nose.

Stupid cold. I checked my temperature earlier and it was somewhere around 99.5°.....

Fever I guess now?

We'll see how I feel in the morning. That'll decide if I go to school tomorrow.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!!!
~Stormi, the sick writer.

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