.:Chapter 5:.

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I was too happy to sleep. So instead of sleeping, I worked on more songs for NSP.
That's when my mind wandered somewhere I didn't want it to go.
I had noticed a neat line of scars from her wrist to elbow, and I had a feeling I knew exactly what they were.
Luckily, I don't think Arin or any of the others noticed.
Sighing, I closed the laptop and leaned my head back, thinking about when we were kids and how happy we were.
Smiling, I remembered our last words to each other.

I love you.

I love you too, Danny.

"God I missed her so much." I laughed to myself and remembered how I'd climb through her bedroom window and we'd watch movies together.
I also took care of her when she got sick, which was pretty often.
Closing my eyes, I rolled over to my side and tried to sleep.

Dan's Dream~
I heard Avi and Debbie talking in the kitchen when I woke up. I got up and walked into the kitchen, that's when I saw who they were talking to.
"I guess you can try to wake him up." Avi said. Debbie was trying not to laugh and I noticed the topic was apparently about waking me up. I quietly walked back into my room, climbing into bed, and faked sleep.
I heard (Y/N) silently tiptoe into my room as she made her way to my bed. But before she could jump onto my bed, I sat up quickly. "Boo!"
She jumped back in surprise and I began laughing. She looked like she saw a ghost, "Danny!"
She climbed onto my bed and sat in front of me, acting mad. "Morning, (N/N)!" I said and she smiled against her will. "I just can't be mad at you!" She laughed and fell forward onto me.
"Morning Danny." She mumbled into my legs. Smiling I patted her head, "You okay?"
"Yeah, just got frightened by my best friend." She said, lifting her head up. Laughing, we both got off my bed and ran out of my room.

You couldn't go back to sleep, so you carefully got up. Making sure to not wake Riley up, you walked into the living room where the bookshelf was.
Looking through it, you found a photo album.
Grabbing it, you sat down on the couch. Turning on the lamp beside you, you opened the book.
On the inside, there was a little description.

New Jersey Memories
(Y/N)'s main childhood

You recognized Emily's handwriting and you smiled. Flipping to the first page, you saw a picture of you being held by Emily as a baby, most likely the day you were born.

(Y/N) was born

There were little notes under each picture, mainly telling what was going on.
The next picture was of you around 3 years old next to a little boy, holding each other as you both tried to walk.

My best friend Debbie's son, Daniel, and (Y/N) learning how to walk together.

You chuckled at the picture and how stupid you and Dan looked.
Skipping a few pages, you saw a picture of you and Dan at a public pool.

Danny and (Y/N) learning how to swim. So cute!

Skipping some more pages, you saw a picture of you and Dan wearing backpacks.

First day of school for both of them. Avi, Debbie, David, and I are so proud of them!

"I have to show Danny this..." You said, looking at another picture.
It was a picture of you and Dan cuddling, asleep.

I went to bed, (Y/N) was alone. I wake up the next morning, and BAM! Danny is right beside her.

You tried not to laugh, but you heard Riley walk out of your bedroom.
"Mama...?" He asked still tired. He saw you on the couch and walked over to you, climbing up. He snuggled himself up against you and you put the photo album up.
Riley ended up falling asleep again on you so you just got comfy and closed your eyes.

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