.:Chapter 14:.

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"Oh Danny! Perfect timing." You turned to the tired mess of hair.
He yawned and noticed Riley laying on him. "What happened..?"
"We fell asleep, but that's when Einstein 1 and 2 decided to call friends over and have a little fun." You said, pointing over to Arin and Suzy.
"What did they do!?" He asked, suddenly fully awake.
That's when he also noticed the rings on you and himself. "Don't tell me..."
You nodded, "Yep. Now, let's let Arin and Suzy explain themselves."
"We, uh, thought you two looked really cute sleeping together, especially when Riley joined in on the nap, so we, heh, may have "married" you both." Suzy explained, Arin nodding along.
You and Dan exchanged glances, then began to laugh. "Wh-What...?" Arin asked confused.
"We forgot to tell you guys something kinda crucial." Dan said, calming down.
"What is it?" Suzy asked.
"Uh, Danny and I might be..... together." You said, leaning back in the couch.
"Wait, WHAT!?" Arin exclaimed as Suzy gasped.
"Shh! You'll wake Riley." You scolding, smiling.
"Yeah, it turns out (Y/N) and I have had secret feelings for each other for the longest time." Dan said.
"Wow!" Suzy said, her smile growing. "Did we predict a future by putting rings on them?" Arin asked Suzy who just giggled.
Smiling, you felt better then when you fell asleep. "Well, Riley and I have to get home soon. We forgot to grab something." You said, standing up. You gently picked Riley up and Dan threw you your keys.
"Thanks. We'll come by later." You waved bye and carried Riley to the car.

When you came back, Riley was now fully awake. "Mama, are we really going to New Jersey?" He asked, excited. "Yeah, you get to see where Danny and I grew up!"
When you pulled in and entered the grump space with Riley, you saw Dan in deep thought.
Walking over to him, you whispered in his ear.
"I am the Unicorn Wizard so Everybody Shut Up and eat some Cookies while we take a Road Trip to Attitude City.
While we're at it, let's make The Decision to either eat The Ultimate Sandwich or go out with a Party of Three.
Maybe I Just Wanna Dance, maybe I want to be apart of the Cool Patrol.
Take On Me while Everybody Wants To Rule The World and The Last Unicorn eats some Peppermint Creams.
Why I Cry, I do not know. The Samurai Abstinence Patrol met up with a Dragon Slayer and watched Rhinoceratops Vs Superpuma fight.
Let's Get This Terrible Party Started and be Best Friends Forever. I’ll sit Next To You while you text FYI I Want To F Your A.
The Manticore will appear during your Three Minutes Of Ecstasy while I watch a Dinosaur Laser Fight.
If We Were Gay, there'd be Sex Training with Objects Of Desire. Then you'd 6969 your neighbor while you also have a No Reason Boner.
Then I'd scream You Can Do Us while I hold The Sacred Chalice."
He instantly cracked up and you smirked. "Oh my god!" He gasped for air while still laughing.
"What did you do to him!?" Barry asked, walking over to see what was wrong with Dan.
"I just made him laugh, that's all." You said proudly. Dan fell to the floor laughing and Barry bent down to pick Dan back up.
"No seriously, what did you say?" Barry asked, even more curious now.
"Sh-She made NSP puns..." Dan managed to say while laughing.
You just smiled and walked away, leaving Barry to calm Dan down.

Omg, that took me like, 15 minutes to come up with.

Making NSP puns can either be REALLY easy or REALLY hard.
It was fun either way.

Hope I didn't kill you!

Hope I didn't kill you!~Stormi

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