Whatever Harry says in this chapter. It's just the hormones...
Simon, I did warn you!
Harry's POV;
I am 5 months in - 20 weeks if you want to be fucking accurate. I've noticed that my stomach is quite big now, it's a little difficult to bend when you need something... I've been craving more food, morning sickness keeps coming and going.
being pregnant is painful and stressful so think before you do stupid actions.
I got out of bed to do some cleaning but I couldn't stand for long periods of time because it just made my legs and back ache a lot. Simon went to the sidemen house to film a video, he should be back soon.
I pulled a chair and sat on it as I opened the fridge door to see what food we have in the fridge because I am hungry...
Luckily, Simon has saved me some chicken so I started munching on that until I heard the door unlocking.
"BABY, I'M HOME!" He says as he walks into the kitchen and sees me by the fridge.
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(this is Sarah Baska but her face just explained Simon's expression)
"Hey sweet cheeks, what are you doing?" Simon asked me as I bit into the chicken.
"Well, I wanted to clean but I couldn't reach the mop because it was on the floor... I tried doing the dishes but it failed because my back and legs would ache after 10 minutes so now I'm eating chicken because I feel hungry..." I explained to him.
"Ahh my baby, I'm sorry I wasn't here to help you!" Simon said as he pecked my forehead.
"Don't feel sad! I don't want you to be cooped up in here with me... Listening to all my complains and my hormones having a breakdown under two minutes..." I said.
"I know but you have four months left now..." Simon smiled.
I smiled as I hugged him.
"Babe?" I said.
"Yes, sweetheart!" Simon said as I blushed.
"Am I getting fat?" I asked him.
"No. Well, not to me! I'll think you still slay... Why?" He said.
"I feel fat!" I whined.
"Don't think like that! You have a beautiful human that's growing inside of you!" Simon said.
"Thanks, baby!" I smiled.
"You're welcome, let's upstairs and cuddle! I'll finish the dishes later!" I hear Simon say.
I nodded and Simon's took my hand as guided me up the stairs without causing myself an injury. I laid on the bed on my back and rubbed my swollen belly. I began to feel a kick.
oh my gosh! the baby is kicking.
"Simon, the baby is kicking!" I said as I grabbed his hand and placed it the same place, where I felt the kicking...
"Oh my gosh!" Simon said as kept his hand on there.
"I am so happy baby!" He said as he rubbed my belly gently.
"I love you!" I said.
"I love you too!" Simon said as he kissed me on my forehead.
PART 3 is comingggg
I'm a bad LA bitch! ~ Callux 2016
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I know y'all wondering what's going on in my works well I'll show you....
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