• ksimon (10)

182 5 0

stiimpyy; daddy, are you free?

jiddlyjide; baby, I have one hour! you can wait that long, can't you?

stiimpyy ; no daddy, I want you here...

jiddlyjide; I'm sorry Si, you have to wait.

stiimpyy; fine, I'll show you how bad I want you.

stiimpyy sent an image.

stiimpyy sent an image

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stiimpyy sent an image.

stiimpyy; i want you now daddy!

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stiimpyy; i want you now daddy!

stiimpyy; come home before I start jerking off myself

jiddlyjide; no don't do that! I'm coming home now.

jiddlyjide; you're gonna get it hard for teasing me at work.

stiimpyy ; I love you daddy.

jiddlyjide; I love you too princess.

I ran out of ideas but fuck it this will do

don't forget that I'm also updating a ksimon fanfic soon 😊

Sidemen ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora