Discovery - 4 Weeks

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Namjoon scrolled through his phone out of boredom. He was left alone while Jin was off doing V App with the younger members. He spent most of his time replying to fan messages. Since they had so many he could respond to, it made the wait feel shorter for that beautiful brunet to return to him. His wish was answered when he heard the door unlock and open.

"I'm back! I also brought you some snacks. Thought you might be hun-" Jin was too busy looking into the plastic bag that it shocked him when his boyfriend pressed their lips together and backed Jin up to the wall.

"I'm hungry..." The blond said once he broke the kiss, taking the bag out of Jin's hand and tossing it on the chair. "...but I don't want food." Jin's wide eyes slipped into an exasperated glare.

"You horndog!" He lightly slapped the younger's chest. "We have our last concert for this tour tomorrow and I know you're not going to be that gentle." He crossed his arms, but his cheeks were a little tinted.

"The fans will just think that you're worn out. We all are. AND! I will prepare us a warm bath in the morning to help." Namjoon's cheeks were dotted with his dimples as he negotiated with the older, who held his stern look for another minute.

"Fine!" Jin smiled leaning closer to Namjoon for a kiss. The blond attached himself to those thick lips as he nearly dragged him to the bed as the kiss got heated. He tossed him onto the sheets and climbed back over him. "You better...go to...sleep...haa...after this..." He got out between kisses with an audible moan when Namjoon ground his pelvis against his. He only got a grunt of confirmation, the younger unwilling to break the kiss to make even quicker work of their clothes. It hasn't even been ten minutes since he returned to his boyfriend, yet here they were completely naked and fully hard, with one of Namjoon's long fingers teasing his prostate. Now that they've reached this step though, Namjoon gets more patient. He gently prepares the other, slipping another finger in once Jin was begging for more. When he got in the third, he thrust them right at that delightful bundle of nerves while Jin leisurely stroked himself in rhythm.

"I'm ready..." He panted, sweat already beginning to glisten on his skin.

"You sure, baby? I can help-"

"Namjoon, just stick it in already!" The look on the rapper's face turned into one of greed, lust, and complete pride. Jin let his free hand reach to grip Namjoon's shoulder as the younger lined himself up, teasing his condom-clad dick around the needy hole waiting to be filled. "Namjoon..." Jin growled with hooded eyes. He smiled and slowly pushed in, watching himself get swallowed up by the brunet, inch by inch. Once fully sheathed, he busied himself with licking and nipping at his boyfriend's neck. He gently ground against him until he could feel him relax. He eased his carnal urge to fuck Jin on the nearest surface and began taking his time to be gentle unless Jin spoke otherwise.

* * * * * * *

Jin woke up with a warm body pressed against his back and a heavy arm around his waist. He was very aware of the pain in the pit of his stomach and lower back. He tried to ignore it. But it wasn't going away. Then to make things worse, bile began to rise up his throat. He slipped out from Namjoon's hold and made his way to the bathroom as quietly as possible and closed the door behind him. He held onto the toilet ready for the contents of his stomach to work all the way up his throat. With numerous heaves everything was emptied, with dry heaves after the fact. He flushed the toilet and sprayed some air freshener to help clear out the smell. Its the last concert. He can tough through without Namjoon getting all paranoid. To help settle his stomach, he stripped and got in the shower. He sat on the floor and relaxed. He was going to finish this show. He never did get that bath he was promised.

Later on, Namjoon noticed something was off about Jin, but when he confronted his lover about it he passed it off as being exhausted from last night and ready to go home with a tired smile.

The next day they got up extra early to get on the plane for their long flight home. Jin felt sick to his stomach. Every bump that the car hit made him ache worse and his delicate face twist with discomfort. Curling into Namjoon's side and closing his eyes did nothing to alleviate the feeling. A particularly hard bump under the tires had Jin lurked forward with his hand over his mouth.

"Whoa, you okay?" Namjoon rubbed Jin's back. The older male shook his head. His face was getting ghostly pale. "Oh no. Driver, pull over please." The driver seen Seokjin in the review mirror and made his way to the side of the road as quickly as possible. Jin was trying to swallow down the vomit working it's way up. When the vehicle was stopped, Jin got out and threw up in the cold morning grass. He held his stomach as he continued getting sick, Namjoon waiting next to the van door. Jin panted heavily once he was done and leaned against the side of the vehicle for support.

"Anything left?" The blond asked, giving the sick one some napkins. He took them gratefully, but nodded, coughed, and threw up once more, just a tiny bit.

"Now there's nothing left." He wiped his mouth after spitting to rid some of the taste. Eventually they got to the airport, luckily still on time for their flight. Jin slept pretty much the rest of the time. Not wanting to do anything else but relax. But as the days went by, there was no change

"That's it. You're going to the doctor." Namjoon said as he watched Jin hug the toilet for the fifth day in a row. Unlike his boyfriend, the eldest already knew what was going on. The sickness and sensitivity to emotions and smells, most likely meant one thing;

He was pregnant.


"Congratulations, looks like you're having a baby!" The doctor smiled and Namjoon stumbled.

"What?!" He looked at the doctor and then his lover. "Is it mine?" That pissed Jin off. He glared at the blond.

"Are you kidding me right now?" Namjoon realized that was a dumb question.

"Uh, sorry, babe, that was a dumb question. I'm just...shocked." He facepalmed and sighed, before smiling. "We're having a baby, Jin." He wrapped his arms around him and kissed his head.

"We are going to have you go in for an ultrasound in two weeks to see how far along you are. Before then, I want you to start prenatal vitamins and I'll print you off a packet with do's and don't's regarding pregnancy. The biggest question is sex," She says bluntly and Jin blushes. "It is perfectly healthy to have sex during pregnancy, just obviously don't put any pressure on his stomach and you most likely will have to find a new position when the baby gets bigger. Any questions?"

"No, thank you." Jin smiled.

"Alright, they will schedule your ultrasound at the desk, and I'd like you to start the prenatal vitamins as soon as possible!"


First chapter, only read by me so there may be mistakes.

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