First Day

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Nayoung - 7 years
Sujin - 5 years
Sunhee - 8 months

"We gotta be quiet, Sujie!" Nayoung puts a finger over her lips, indicating for her sister to be quiet. The younger copies the gesture and nods. Nayoung quietly turns the door handle to Sunhee's nursery. They quietly creep up the the crib. "See isn't she cute? She looks like a little angel." Nayoung coos.

"Uh-huh." They watch their little sister in silence as she sleeps soundly.

"What are you two doing in here?" Namjoon whispers and the two older girls freeze.

"We wanted to see Sunnie!" Nayoung answers quickly, immediate to tell the truth.

"Girls, I know you want to spend time with your baby sister but it's the middle of the night." He smiles.

"We're sorry." They say in synchronization.

"Now daddy monster is going to have to get you." He says with a laugh and moves over and crouches in front of the giggling and squealing girls as he hoists them over his shoulders so they dangle over his back in a fit of laughter.

"Daddy, you got a big butt!" Nayoung says as she stretches her arm down to smack his bottom.

"I do not!" He feigns offense.

"Daddy got a big butt!" Sujin giggles and copies her sister. Namjoon takes them to their shared room and carefully plops both of them down on Nayoung's bed.

"Now daddy monster has to get you!" He laughs and tickles their bellies. Once the play dies down and the girls are getting tired he picks up Sujin and puts her in her bed. "Goodnight, Sujin." He says as he tucks her in and kisses her forehead. She grabs her Princess Daisy plushy and curls up beneath the floral blanket. He goes back to Nayoung and repeats the process gaining occasional giggles. "Goodnight, Nayoung." He presses a kiss to her forehead.

"Goodnight, daddy." She replies and gets comfy with her Princess Peach and closes her eyes.

"Sleep tight, my princesses." He says before he turns off the light and closes their door returning to his and his husband's room.

"They were checking on Sunhee again, weren't they?" Seokjin says softly as Namjoon cuddles up behind him, burying his nose in Seokjin's brown hair.

"Yeah." He laughs gently.

"They're such good, unnies." The brunet hums. "Goodnight, Joonie."

"Goodnight, babe." He kisses Seokjin's neck before they drift off to sleep.


"Mama!" Sunhee coos as Seokjin lifts her out of her crib.

"Hi, Sunhee. Did you sleep well?" He asks as he holds her on his hip. She coos and giggles in response. "I'm sure you did, especially when your big sisters are always checking on you." Sunhee squeals in response.


"The girls still asleep?" Namjoon asks when he walks into the kitchen where Sunhee is strapped into her high chair, her mouth wide open impatiently for the food her mother is apparently taking too long to scoop up in the spoon.

"Nyum..." She whines.

"I know, Sunnie. But I have to mix it first." Seokjin sighs and looks at Namjoon. "Even Sujin was snoring. But that's what happens when they stay up late at night to sneak into Sunhee's room. I almost tripped on one of them one time cuz they were sleeping on the floor." Seokjin laughs.

"I'm gonna wake them now so they'll be too tired to get out of bed in the middle of the night." Namjoon says as he kisses Seokjin on the cheek.

"Da!" Sunhee coos.

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