Newest Addition

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"Jinnie, let me cook-" Namjoon went to pull his husband away from the stove. Seokjin was stirring the noodles when a strong contraction came on. However, the blond just got his hand swatted away.

"I'm not letting you touch this stove. Just- ugh...just keep an eye on Nayoung and call my mom to come over." Seokjin said with occasional pants. Namjoon frowned, but did as told. He dialed his mother-in-law's number as he went to the living room where Nayoung was playing with her plush toys.

"Hello?" A gentle voice came through the other line.

"Hey, momma Soohyun, guess what time it is!" He smiled.

Soohyun gasped. "Baby time?!"


"Be there in twenty!" Soohyun suddenly hung up. The blond shrugged and shoved his phone back into his pocket.

"Nayie, your baby sister will be here soon!"

"No! Baby in mommy tummy!" She laughed shaking her head, climbing onto the couch to sit next to her dad, a stuffed puppy in her arms.

"But baby has to come out at some point. She can't stay in there forever." He said tickling her.

"No!" She squealed with laughter trying to push her father's hands away. "Potty!" She yelled.

"Uh-oh, let's hurry to the potty!" Namjoon put her on the floor and followed her to the bathroom. She had been doing well with potty training, she was definitely ahead of her age. Although, sometimes she would say 'potty' and they would rush her to the bathroom and sit her on the toilet and after a minute she would shrug and say 'not ready' and the rush was in vain. But at least she was learning. Unfortunately, this was another false potty alarm. He helps pull up her training diaper and her leggings and let's her run out of the bathroom. He checks on his pregnant husband in the kitchen.

"Joonie, watch the food for a second...I need to change my pants. Keep Nayie out of the kitchen until I can bring out some towels to clean this mess up." Seokjin's pants are soaked from his water breaking.

"Just stay here, baby, I'll get you some clothes and towels." He gives him a smile and rushed to go grab the necessary items. He was anxious and excited to meet their new addition. He was anticipating the moment they hear her first cry and see her and get to hold her in their arms.


Dinner was done and Seokjin still set up the table while Namjoon got Nayoung in her high chair. He felt bad because Seokjin wouldn't be able to eat, but luckily Soohyun showed up. He just walked through the door without a single knock.

"Where's my baby?!" He shouted looking for his son.

"In the dining room, momma!" Seokjin shouted from his chair. His mother kicked off his shoes and entered with bags of gifts in hand. He set them down off to the side and quickly wrapped Seokjin in a hug.

"How are you feeling, baby? How far apart are the contractions?" He asked touching around his son's swollen belly.

"My water broke about fifteen minutes ago, after that the contractions have been coming about five minutes apart." He groaned feeling his stomach starting to tighten, preparing for the next painful contraction.

"She's moving along quick, it sounds. My labor with you was only six hours before you popped out." He watches as Seokjin nods, his face scrunching. "Breathe, baby." He takes his son's hand and rubs his shoulders. He continues taking deep breaths until the contraction is over.

"You and dad are welcome to stay here while we're at the hospital. I made a lot of food, so if you and dad haven't ate, please help yourselves. The guest room is set up. And Nayie is doing well with potty training, she'll let you know if she has to go. Sometimes she'll give you a false alarm. Pull-ups at night and big girl underwear during the day unless you take her out. She sleeps in her big girl bed now, but leave your door open in case she has a dream or is missing us. She gets a small cup of warm milk before bed-"

"I can take care of my granddaughter, baby." Soohyun laughs. "You don't have to worry about anything. Just worry about getting this baby out, okay?" He getting caresses Jin's bump again.

"Thank you, mom." He smiles.

"I'll get the car ready and put you and the baby's bags in there." Namjoon says standing up with his empty plate and rinsing it off in the sink.

Two contractions later and after hugs and kisses goodbye they head off to the hospital.

By the time they get there, Seokjin doesn't even have it in him to walk. They quickly get him in a room and gown and check his cervix.

"Very good, Seokjin. You're already at four, almost five. I'm going tell the anesthesiologist to kick it into high gear and call in doctor Lee Jaehwa!" The nurse Hyuna winks and covers him back up before removing her gloves.

"I think momma was right, I think our second little princess will be out by the time Nayie falls asleep." Namjoon gently brushes his husband's hair out off his face and placing a cold, wet washcloth on his forehead.

"Thank you..." He pants as a contraction builds, his hold on Namjoon's hand quickly becoming like a vice-grip and crushing the younger's fingers and knuckles. Seokjin pulls him closer and cries out in pain.

"Breathe, baby."

"Please shut up." He hisses before full-on sobbing.

Three hours later...

"Are you ready to get this baby out?" Jaehwa smiles and Seokjin nods. They adjust his position and a nurse holds his right leg while Namjoon holds the left leg and his hand. Jaehwa removed his blanket and practically stares at his most intimate areas and uses her fingers to stretch him open further and he hisses at the burn. "I'm sorry, I know it hurts, honey. Needle." She injects numbing medication around his hole in the event of tearing. "I can see her little head already, so this will be quick if you give me great pushes!" She looks at the computer watching a contraction come on. "Alright, give me a big push!" Seokjin doesn't hesitate pushing, he can't feel much other than his ass burning from being stretched and the high amount of pressure from the baby. "Perfect! Take a rest a breathe." Jin falls back against the pillows and tries to control his breathing.

"You're doing so well, she'll be in our arms in no time!"


"One last push, give it everything you've got! Push!" His face turns red with effort and suddenly feels an emptiness.

She's out...

"Here's your baby girl!" Jaehwa lays the baby on his chest. The moment Seokjin wraps his arms around her, she begins to cry and whimper quietly.

"Hello, Kim Sujin. My beautiful baby girl." He sobs and touches her face.

"She's beautiful and perfect." Namjoon kisses the top of Jin's head as they admire their second daughter. She continues to softly cry.

"You aren't putting very much effort in that cry, Sujin." He teases. Unfortunately, they have to take her away still. But it's not long before she's back in his arms and feeding for the first time. The wet nurse felt useless because he didn't need any help at all breastfeeding the newborn. Her parents watch her with unwavering smiles.

"She looks like you, Jinnie."

"She's got your eye-shape, don't feel too left out." He chuckles softly, not wanting to jostle the baby in his arms. She does have one dimple on her left cheek, but not one on the other. She doesn't have as much hair as Nayoung, and none of them can compete with Mina. Her hair was already almost an inch long when she was born. Jin secretly hopes that Sujin won't mind things on her head or barrettes in her hair, but they've got a while before her hair is long enough to do anything with it. But that's not important right now. All Seokjin wants is to have both his little girls in his arms, but he will wait for the morning when his parents bring Nayoung to meet her little sister. Then Seokjin's own little family will feel completed.


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