2 Months Old

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Namjoon, Jin, and all the other members were in the living room watching a movie. Since he just got out of the shower before hand, Namjoon didn't bother putting a shirt on. Not such a good idea. Nayoung was laying on his chest she was awake but relaxed. However, Namjoon noticed how she started to roll her head around his chest, her mouth looking for purchase. It was obvious because he could feel her suck on his skin.

"Uh Jin?"


"Nayoung's hungry. She's trying to latch." He said his face blushing. Jin couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, Hoseok can you hand me my pillow?" Hoseok grabbed the pillow he had been laying on and handed it to Jin. It was meant to lay the baby on so you didn't have to hold the child up for the entire time they fed.

Jin set up the pillow and took his daughter and she began to fuss. "Daddy is a dry well, silly." He said laying her down on it. She was now working into a loud cry. "Hold on, baby girl." Jin had quickly gotten over being shy about breastfeeding so he didn't try to cover him and the baby with a blanket as much any more. Besides, everyone was paying more attention to the movie anyway. Feeding his daughter didn't hurt as bad as it used to, but they will have to eventually partly bottle feed her if she has to be left with her father or someone else who doesn't have to ability to feed her in the way he does.

"Does it still hurt to feed her?" Jungkook asked.

"Not so much any more." When they first brought Nayoung home, Jin would actually tear up with how bad it hurt, but it's gotten much easier over the past month. "It's just uncomfortable now, no longer painful." They all did admire Jin's dedication. It took between 10-15 minutes to breastfeed her and they had to use specific bottles so she didn't suck the milk down quickly and hurt her stomach or drown. They still hadn't gone out in public yet. They did post a group picture that they took at the hospital, but you couldn't see any of her features in the picture. On the brightside too, the fans didn't even care that Jin was gay or pregnant or with Namjoon, instead they were ecstatic and happy for them, they couldn't wait to see the baby either. They wanted to know who she looked more like. Jin smiled as he got lost in thought. He was so thankful for everything that happened within the past year.

When Nayoung was full he pulled down his shirt and began to burp her. The guys thought her little burps were so cute until they came with a little bit of spit-up, then it wasn't so funny for who ever got spat on. She would always pass out while she was being burped, so afterwards JIn put her in her swing so if she did still have gas in her stomach, it would work it's way out without her throwing up.

"Hey, Yoongi, Jimin, can you two watch her for a little while for me? Please?" Seokjin whispered at the couple.

"Sure, go get your freak on, just try to not to make another baby." Yoongi teased, receiving a hit in the chest from Jimin.

"Thank you!"


Jin's body changed since being pregnant. Although he worked hard to finally get his flat stomach back with success, he had more curves because of his hips. And for the time being, his chest was still swollen from producing milk.

This is the first time they have been intimate since Nayoung was born. They had to wait for Jin's body to heal and be able to get alone time. Neither of them felt comfortable having sex with their baby girl just a few feet away from the bed. So with her asleep in her swing in the living room under the watch of Yoongi and Jimin, now was a good moment for some intimate alone time.

Namjoon's large hands ran down Jin's naked sides. His hips were wider from their daughter, and Namjoon loved it. His hands moving with the developed curves.

"God, Jinnie..." He said breathlessly as he kissed his lover's flat stomach. Jin's stomach didn't really show any signs of being extended only two months before.

"Start preparing me or I will do it myself." His hands brushed blond hair back.

"No, you won't." He said in a low husky, sexual voice. "I want to see how you feel even after giving me our baby girl." He slipped a lubed finger inside. "Fuck, did you get tighter?" Seokjin clenched around the intrusion.

"It's been so long..." He panted as another finger was added. It hurt, but he didn't mind. Namjoon took his time preparing him. Once three fingers were in, they pushed at his walls looking for his prostate. Pleasure clouded his vision when the fingers were thrust against it. "Oh right there!" His back arched off the mattress. He tried to relax and lay back down. Namjoon took out his fingers and slid on a condom. He slathered it with lube before pushing into the tight heat. Jin clenched around him, Namjoon's girth pushing in caused pain, but that would soon subside. Namjoon busied himself with kissing Jin's neck, shoulders, and chest,

"Move slow." The brunet panted. He slid out slowly, and made a steady pace. Jin left out a breath of bliss. Moments later, he needed more. "Go faster." He hummed and got what he wanted. Namjoon wasted no time finding Jin's prostate. It was like they were making love for the first time again. Slow and sensual before need took over.

"So beautiful..." Namjoon groaned. Licking up the middle of Jin's chest and throat before dipping his tongue into his mouth.

Seokjin was a moaning and writhing mess as sweet, hot pleasure pooled in his groin. Namjoon was too good at this, but then again, while Jin was healing, the leader was stuck with his hand, since he didn't want to open the "fun box" with Nayoung in the room, even though she wouldn't understand or remember what her parents were doing, it still didn't feel right.

But this right here, this felt right. As he thrust into his boyfriend with love and chasing an orgasm that was quickly building. It all ended too soon, Jin's mouth hung open, struggling to produce sound as his orgasm over took his senses, his cum spurting on him and Namjoon. The the brunet's hole constricting around his dick had him coming even though he wanted to hold it off for longer. He collapsed on top of Jin as he caught his breath. The elder running his long fingers, lazily through sweaty, blond locks.

"God, I missed this." Namjoon panted, earning a laugh.

"Hey, babe, my legs don't bend any further." He groaned.

"Sorry..." Namjoon pulled out and grabbed a tissue from the night stand and handed to Jin before taking off the condom and tying it off, throwing all the stuff into the garbage. "I love you, Jinnie." Namjoon said as he snuggled up to him.

"I love you too."


Cheesy post-smut dialogue, but I didn't know how to end it lol

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