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Sorry for the disappointing notification but I have been super busy this year. I have also gone through a lot.

This shit is gonna get personal.

So I've had trauma, Im not gonna say what it was cuz it's personal. Now, slowly but surely I'm getting through my trauma. March-June I had dealt with severe nausea and anxiety that was so bad I couldn't even go to the store with my dad. What would happen is even thinking of leaving my house made me so anxious I would literally gag and nearly throw up. This is due to fact I literally ignore and disregard my anxiety. It's just anxiety, it won't kill me so basically cuz I didn't deal with it it subsequently came out in a physical form, in my case it was severe nausea.

I had tried literally everything to ease my nausea not realizing it was because of my anxiety. Everything natural remedy I could find, I even have a medical marijuana card and was given things that they would prescribe chemo patients and that only made my nausea worse. I also did not have a doctor at this time and I was avoiding pharmaceuticals.

Well after a few months I became desperate. I had a nurse give me shit for being anxious when getting blood drawn when I had recently gotten a tattoo. "If you can get a tattoo you can handle this." While all the nausea shit was going on I had gotten a tattoo. I almost threw up literally five times before the artist even got the machine on. And also bless his fucking heart cuz he was so patient with me. I couldn't stop shaking the whole time and he kept me talking about cats and my special needs cat in particular the entire time to ease me. Here's my tattoo.

Now the end of May I finally got a doctor and got myself all checked out

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Now the end of May I finally got a doctor and got myself all checked out. I was prescribed Zofran for my nausea and I learned it was caused by my anxiety so she also put me on Prozac and eventually I was able to do things again little by little. I was able to leave my house for periods of time before I'd start freaking out like my brain would be like "I need to go home! I need to go home! I need to go home!" And then the severe nausea would kick in. I knew I was safe but my anxiety would think otherwise.

Now my anxiety is getting better and I'm no longer bordering on PTSD and my nausea is mild. I still can't eat much but I'm no longer surviving on noodles, chicken nuggets, and water so that's nice.

Now apart from that I've been busy trying to get a new vehicle. My Pontiac was breaking every week and I sold that. I scrapped my old blazer and just last Friday I got my dodge nitro. Plus during all this I have been helping my coworker get her cats fixed and rehomed with Heaven Can Wait. So I've been combing kittens and giving them dawn baths and finding new homes and helping with food.

Also in June I had lost the kitten I was going to get, I had adopted her but never got to hold her or meet her. She was too sick too young and fought as hard as she could.

Meet my angel baby, Corvette Victoria❤️

Also on the cat subject I'm trying to get my roommate's cats fixed before I move but I don't have the money and the cheapest place is booked until October now

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Also on the cat subject I'm trying to get my roommate's cats fixed before I move but I don't have the money and the cheapest place is booked until October now. Still on the cat subject I have a special needs kitty that requires medicine every other day cuz she has severe anxiety and rips up her head, neck, and face with her claws if she doesn't have meds. She's got kitty Prozac lol

This is my precious Chevelle Elizabeth❤️

I'm moving in September and I'm fling work on my new room and fixing it up and making it homely so I got that going on too

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I'm moving in September and I'm fling work on my new room and fixing it up and making it homely so I got that going on too.



Meet Cassia Anne ❤️

So I've been super busy

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So I've been super busy. Please continue to be patient and I will work on the stories when I have the time :)

Also this story is completed. A sequel will be posted in Surprises and Struggles featuring the first BTS Grandbaby 👀

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