Meeting Kim Sunhee p2

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"I think it's down this way..." Jungkook looks at his phone to remember the room number Seokjin is in, his other hand holding his son's. "This is the one!" Jungkook opens the door and leads Kyungsan in. Jungkook peeks around the curtain to check first.

Seokjin is laying in the hospital bed with Sunhee sleeping on his chest while he watches tv and rubs her back.

"Hey!" Jungkook whispers and Seokjin perks up.

"You don't have to be so quiet. She's a heavy sleeper like Nayoung. Come in, come in!" He says and gestures with his free hand. Jungkook and Kyungsan enter the room. "What are you doing here? I thought Tae was trying to keep you couped up in the house?"

"Well, this little girl wanted some loaded nachos," Jungkook says as he rubs his eight-month bump. "So me and Kyungie went out to eat and Tae is recording some lines for the new drama so he wasn't there to stop me." He says the last part like he's almost bragging and walks closer to the bed. "Where's Namjoon and the girls?"

"He went home for a bit to wash up and get some laundry done so he took them with."

"Ah." Jungkook acknowledges and leans over to look at the new baby. "Aww, she's so cute! She looks like Namjoon's little sister!" He coos.

"Baby?" Kyungsan asks as he tugs on his mother's hand.

"Do you want to see the baby, Kyungie?"

"Yes, pwease."

Seokjin laughs a little. "You can hold her, Kook. She's not heavy so you won't put strain on your baby and that saves us the trouble of trying to get Kyungsan up here."

"You sure?" The older nods in response. "Alright one moment. Kyungie, we have to wash our hands." Jungkook leads Kyungsan into the ensuite bathroom. The sink is too high for the toddler to reach so Jungkook closes the lid on the toilet and holds out his hand for support as Kyungsan climbs onto it and is able to reach the sink. Once they are both cleaned they head back to the bed. Seokjin had adjusted Sunhee's position so Jungkook could easily pick her up. "Oh, she's so light!" Jungkook keens as he cradled the newborn above his bump. "Kyungie, go sit on the couch over there so I can show you the baby."

"Okie!" Kyungsan rushes over and climbs onto the couch and sits down, his mother joins him just a moment later. "That baby?"

"It is a baby! You're going to get your baby sister in a month." Jungkook says with a grin, watching Kyungsan's face. The toddler looks up at his mother and gives him a cute little boxy smile.

"Baby!" Kyungsan says softly and nuzzles himself up to Jungkook's bump.

"Awww!!" Seokjin keens from the bed. "He's going to be such a good oppa, I'm sure of it."

"I think so too." Jungkook smiles proudly. "He's such a good little man," He says and pets Kyungsan's dark hair with his free hand, the other cradling the baby securely. "He's constantly trying to help me too lately. To the point I had to tell him I can go to the bathroom by myself." He laughs softly and Sunhee starts squirming so he brings his hand back.

"Kyungie, are you mommy's little helper?"

"Yeah! I'm a man now!" He says with a cute little Taehyung grin.

"I think this one is hungry." Jungkook says as Sunhee searches blindly for food, not ready to open her eyes for it. Jungkook scoots his bottom to the edge of the couch so he can stand up. He hands Sunhee back over to her mother. Seokjin unbuttons one side of his hospital gown and gets the baby to latch before he pulls the blanket over her.

"What he doing?"

"He's feeding the baby." Jungkook answers as he sits back down and rubs the top of his stomach where Areum was kicking him insistently.

"Okie!" He says and snuggles against Jungkook's side.

"So either it's the white t-shirt or your belly is bigger this time. That must be a bit more pleasant for you." Seokjin points out.

"No, my tummy is just bigger, and yeah, it's nice to breathe easier this time. Also we had a 3D ultrasound yesterday, she's chubby like Taehyung was. I think she looks like him too, but we'll see I guess." Jungkook laughs.

"Someone's tired." Jin laughs as he watches Kyungsan's eyes flutter closed.

"Oh, Kyungie, baby, wake up." Jungkook softly shakes the boy's shoulder.

"Noooo." He whines and tucks himself further against the side of Jungkook's stomach.

"Mommy will take a nap with you when we get home."

Kyungsan groans, but doesn't respond with words.

"Kyungie baby, you still awake?" Jungkook says lifting the boy's chin. The boy is now completely asleep and waking him wouldn't do much good, so Jungkook lays the boy down and grabs an extra blanket and covers him with it. The toddler curls himself into a ball beneath the covers.


Well about twenty minutes later it's quiet in Seokjin's room again. Jungkook ended up passing out on the couch too. He and Jungkook were just watching a crime show and chatting, but at some point Jungkook had stopped responding. He can't help but find how in-sync the mother and son duo are.

"Hey!" A voice whispered from behind the curtain. Seokjin looks over to see Jimin peeking in. "Did they really come here to nap?" Jimin laughs as he walks in with Mina in tow.

"Kyungsan started fell asleep and while I was feeding Sunhee and watching a show with Jungkook, he then fell asleep. It's really cute too." Seokjin coos at the sleeping maknae. "They've been like that for an hour now, so one of them is going to wake up soon."

"Mina, would you like to see baby Sunhee?" Jimin asks his daughter.

"Yes, please!"

"You can hold her too." Seokjin says to the girl before turning back to Jimin. "She's going to have to sit in Namjoon's 'dad chair' since Kookie and Kyungie took up the couch." He laughs as he and Jimin both look over towards the couch where Jungkook is sitting a bit slouched with his head on the back of the couch and his hand on his stomach. Next to him Kyungsan was sprawled across the other two cushions with his hand stretched out and placed underneath Jungkook's other hand.

Mina hurries over to the chair next to Seokjin's bed and waits eagerly. "Oh look at you! Such a pretty little girl!" Jimin coos as he cradles the newborn.

"She looks like Joonie and his little sister, huh?" Seokjin smiles proudly, beyond happy with the baby he grew.

"She does. Mina, remember how to hold a baby this little?" Jimin asks as he turns to lay the baby on Mina's lap, making sure the six-year-old holds the baby's head.

"She's cute and fat!" Mina giggles and it makes Jimin and Seokjin crack up laughing.

"Hm?" Jungkook says as he stirs from his nap. "I'm so sorry." He immediately apologizes as he rubs his eyes and yawns. "How long was I out?"

"A little over an hour." Seokjin smiles.

"Oh...god, I have to pee." Jungkook carefully gets off the couch and wanders to the bathroom with the slightest waddle.

"He's so cute when he's pregnant!" Jimin nearly squeals.

"He is. Him and Aerin are the only two left to have babies. Whether Aerin actually gets pregnant or if they adopt again. But I'm sure Tae isn't done getting Kookie pregnant."

"I can hear you!" Jungkook says from the bathroom.


Kind of a crappy chapter but I'm stuck and working with what I got 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was also too lazy to proof-read 🤷🏻‍♀️

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