An Extra Special Surprise

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This is a short chapter but the surprise makes up for it. Also not proof-read cuz I'm lazy. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Nayoung age 7
Sujin age 5


"Namjoon?" Jin opened the door to their bedroom. Namjoon had just gotten out of the shower. He had pajama pants on and a towel on his head.

"What's up, babe?" Seokjin walked up to his husband, a hand hidden behind his back.

"Remember how tired I've been lately?" The blond nodded. "Well, I know why now..." He pulled out his hand from behind his back, showing his husband the plastic stick in his hand and a black and white picture. Namjoon grabbed them knowing what they were.

"Seriously?" Namjoon's mouth was hanging open.

"It's as much of a surprise for you as it was for me." Seokjin laughed while the younger stared at the picture further.

"How far along?"

"Thirteen weeks. I thought I was just bloated." Seokjin had stopped taking birth control many months ago because they were effecting his hormones too much and they were just using condoms until Namjoon got his surgery done a little over a month ago to prevent further babies, but Namjoon apparently can use his destructive powers on condoms as well.

"Another baby..." Namjoon hug his lover suddenly. They were fine with the two they had. They didn't actually intend on having any more once they had Sujin. So this was a really big surprise for the family. "I can't wait to tell the girls. Nayie is going to be so happy." He grabs Seokjin in his arms and kisses all over his face and lips, pulling him into the bed. Seokjin laughs at the younger.

"I'm glad you're happy about this." He sighs contently. Namjoon pulls away and pushes the brunet's shirt up and kisses the bump tenderly.

"I'm excited that you're in there. Be gentle on you're mommy, because you're for sure the last one. I love you."


The next day

"Nayie, Sujie, we have something to tell you." Namjoon says as he hugs his two little girls sitting in his lap.

"What is it?"

"What if I told you that you and Sujin were going to get a little sibling?" Seokjin smiles.

"Are we getting one?!" Nayoung squeals and bounces on Namjoon's knee.

"You are. Mommy has a baby in his belly." Namjoon coos and nuzzles his nose into Sujin's hair.

"Oh I'm so excited!" Nayoung jumps off of Namjoon's laugh and immediately hugs her mother.

"Me too." Seokjin laughs as he wraps his arms around his oldest.

"Sujie, what do you think of getting a little brother or sister?" Namjoon asks her.

"Will you still love me and Nayie?"

"Of course! You're all our babies!" He answers.

"Then I'm happy too." Sujin smiles, flashing a single dimple.


It was pure luck that Seokjin had a feeling he should take a pregnancy test while they were back home from tour for just a week before they head back out. They gathered everyone to their house to announce the news. It wasn't anything big. Just the members sitting in the living room with babies running around. Except for Minyoung who was too little yet to participate in the chaos, so she just slept in Yoongi's arms. It was just a simple "Hey, we're having another baby!" And a "We are too!" From Jungkook and Taehyung.

"How many weeks are you?" Seokjin asks their pregnant maknae.

"Eight weeks and like three days?"

"Oh, you're just a month behind me! We're going to be bump buddies!!" Seokjin hugs the maknae. "The youngest and the oldest; pregnant at the same time!" He sighs. "At least you and Tae are the only ones who manage to plan to get pregnant in this band."

"Sujin was planned, wasn't she?" Jungkook asks tilting his head to the side cutely.


"And I know Jimin hyung Yoongi hyung planned for Jihyun."


"And it's hard to accidentally adopt a baby so Hobi hyung and Aerin are on a whole other level of planned babies."

"Okay, you have a point." Seokjin laughs.


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