Sleep Over

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"Are you excited to get to the indoor park with us?" Seokjin asked, holding the Min girl's hand as they walked to his house.

"Yeah! I love Nayie and Sujie and baby Kyungie!" She smiles quietly and jumps in excitement.

"Baby Kyungie is a bit too little to play yet." Seokjin laughs.

"Nooooo. He play in Uncle Kookie's belly aallll the time!" She hums and watches her feet as she walks in the snow. "I want my own Kyungie so I don't have to share him with Uncle Taetae." She pouts. "I want little brother or sissy to play with. I like playing with mommy and daddy, but...yeah." She continues to watch her feet, not saying anything else.

Seokjin smiles at the little girl. Yoongi and Jimin are probably going to be going at it like rabbits while they have the house to themselves, so she will probably get her wish granted.

"Baby Mina!" Nayoung squeals when Seokjin and the Yoonmin child walk into the house. The girls giggle and hug each other.

"Mina?" Sujin enters the hallway and sees what's going on. She hesitates between running to Mina or her mom. She makes her decision and stretches her hands in the air. "Mommy, up up!" She whimpers and pouts.

"I was gone maybe ten minutes, baby." He laughs and picks up his youngest daughter.


"Come on, Sujie!" Mina grabbed the two-and-a-half-year-old's hand and brought her to one of the play houses. Sujin's little legs work quick to keep up. Namjoon and Seokjin watch the three girls with amusement.

"These girls are going to sleep good tonight." Namjoon laughs and hands an iced americano to his husband and sits on the bench next to him.

"What are you suggesting?" Seokjin took the comment as a sexual innuendo. "If you're asking about doing stuff tonight, I'm going to have to say it's a no-go. I don't want Mina walking in on us because she misses her parents."

"What? No, but thank you for brining the thought into my head." He winks. "I agree. What if after we get back home after dinner we put on a movie and we all sleep in the living room tonight?"

"I think that sounds like a good idea. I just want Mina to be comfortable. She comes over all the time, but she never really spends the night." They had tried to have sleep-overs for the toddlers before, but before bed Mina tends to start crying for her mom and dad. Seokjin would called Yoongi and Jimin so she could say goodnight. However, Yoongi almost always caved and brought her back home to the Min house. It happens with children, so Jin isn't bothered by it. His daughters just want their mommy and daddy when they start getting tired.


"What movie?" Namjoon asks the Mina and Nayoung, holding up four different movies in his hands. The older two were picking since Sujin was following Seokjin around like a little shadow baby. Just her usual nightly routine.

"Totoro! Totoro!" The girls say and Namjoon hides his dismay.

"How about one of these movies? We got Minions, Epic, Tangled, Ponyo, and Moana." He points at each case and naming them, desperate for the girls to want to watch any other movie besides Totoro, that he has been forced to watch hundreds of times.

"Totoro! Totoro!" The girls giggle and repeat. Namjoon sighs in defeat. He puts the movies back and puts their desired movie in the player. By the time the movie ends, all three toddlers are fast asleep, as well as Namjoon who had Nayoung and Mina cuddled up to him on either side of him.

Seokjin on the other hand was wide awake, with Sujin sleeping on his chest. Sujin is a very light sleeper so when Seokjin moves to join to turn off the player and TV, she let's out an unhappy whine. "Shhhhh, it's okay, Sujie, go to sleep." He shut everything off and cradled his daughter in his arms and laid down on the mattress on the floor with Namjoon and the girls and fell asleep with Sujin cuddled against him.


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