Over the Next Couple Months...

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Seokjin was feeling nervous. It's been way over a month since he and Namjoon tried for a second baby. The brunet was sitting on the toilet, eyeing the test on the counter, willing himself not to look at the results yet. He really wanted another baby so bad. Suddenly the timer on his phone went off and he hurriedly checked the test.


A smile broke out across his face, so big it almost hurt. He wanted to scream in happiness and shout the news loud enough for anyone in the building to hear he took a calming breath before leaving the bathroom. He practically ran to their shared bed and jumped right onto the sleeping leader. "Joonie! Babe! Babe!" He giggled as he bounced on the younger's lap.

"Hmm? What is it?" He rubbed his eyes and looked around before locking eyes with his excited lover.

"I'm pregnant! We're going to have another baby!!" He shook the younger's hands and squealed.

"Baby, that's great!" Namjoon pulled Seokjin into a hug and smashed their lips together, gaining a moan from the older.

"I'm going to make breakfast and get Nayie! I'm so happy! Thank you! I love you! I love you!"


12 Weeks Pregnant

"Mommy!" Nayoung ran up to Seokjin in the kitchen.

"What, baby?" He asked looking down at his daughter. In her little hands she held a pink velvety box.

"Is this for mommy?" The little girl nodded. Seokjin smiled and opened the box. Inside was a beautiful golden ring. Seokjin's mouth hung open and tears filled up his eyes at her next words.

"Marry daddy!" She flashed a dimpled smile.

"What?" He was shocked. He heard a noise and watched Namjoon enter the kitchen. "What is this?" The blond said nothing. Instead he got down on one knee in front of his lover.

"Kim Seokjin, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" The tears were overflowing now, but Jin was blaming it on the damn pregnancy hormones.

"Yes!" He let Namjoon slip the ring on his finger before pulling him up into a passionate kiss.

"Mommy marry daddy! Mommy marry daddy! Mommy marry daddy!" Nayoung chanted running in circles around her parents. The two pulled apart and looked down at their daughter and laughed. She didn't know what the excitement was for, but she was excited too.

"Congratulations!" The other members came barging into the kitchen taking pictures.

"It's about time. I honestly thought they were already married." Jimin teased.

"They have the same last name to begin with. The only thing not validating their marriage is a piece of legal paper." Yoongi laughed, gently bouncing Mina as she rests her head on his shoulder, pacifier in mouth.

"This is going to be your engagement party!" Hoseok smiled bringing out the small cake, not caring about what the others were saying.

"Baby Kim says 'thank you' for the cake!" He laughed wiping his tears as he rubbed his bump with his free hand. Soon everyone happily indulged in the chocolate cake and Namjoon decided to drop another bomb...

"My mom wants the wedding to be as soon as we can do it. She's actually got catering on hold from Jimin's parent's restaurant and she wants your mom to make his most famous deserts and the cake. Since we don't have promotions or schedules any time soon, we have a lot free time to plan." Namjoon explained before shoving a bite of cake into his mouth.

"Actually, I have a lot of it already planned out." Seokjin blushed. "It's on a file on my computer...I've been planing it before I was even pregnant with Nayoung. I just have to make calls for reservations and we'd be all set in like two months." Namjoon let out a small laugh.

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