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25 weeks pregnant

While Namjoon has been producing songs with Yoongi, Seokjin is left home to take care of the girls. When he isn't doing activities with them, he works on Sunhee's room. Especially days like this when his Seokjin's mom Soohyun steals the girls because he wants his 'grandma time' with the two girls.

But maybe it's because Sunhee is their last baby and because his other two are growing so fast, he's started 'nesting' really early. Preparing for her arrival even though it's months away. He decorates the nursery when he can. Jimin had been coming over and helping him too. While Yoongi and Mina are gone, it's just Jimin and the babies and the younger really misses actual conversation.

"Hello, Minyoung!" Seokjin coos as he reaches out for the for the baby girl that's still strapped in her infant carrier in the double stroller. The baby girl doesn't show much for response, instead she just grunts, a grumpy and sleepy expression on her face.

"She just woke up from her nap." Jimin laughs as he unbuckled Jihyun who is fussing about being stuck in the stationary stroller.

"Can I take her out?" Seokjin asks as his hands already work to unbuckle the belts.

"If you want, otherwise I can get her once Jiji is out." Jimin swiftly unbuckled the one year old and places him on feet on the floor. The baby instantly grabs ahold of his mother's pant leg and clings to him.

"Come to Uncle Seokjin." The oldest coos as he lifts the baby girl out of her car seat. "She's so light!" He nearly whines.

"I think she's going to be slim like Yoongi. Her pediatrician gets irritated with us but she eats a lot, her metabolism is just high. It's hard to gage though because she was premature but she takes so much after Yoongi. You should see it when she fights with her brother over me when Yoongi isn't around." He laughs, but Minyoung starts fussing from Seokjin's arms.

"Meeeehhhhh...!!" She cries, tears welling up in her eyes as she pushes away from Seokjin and reaches for Jimin.

"Sorry, she likes to be held for an hour after she wakes up." He takes the baby girl into his arms. She lets out another whine into Jimin's chest and coos.

"I can't tell if she's a mommy's girl or a daddy's girl." Seokjin smiles at the younger and rubs his stomach where Sunhee is kicking.

"She's definitely more of a daddy's girl, but she also gets clingy to me. But I think since Yoongi carried her that she still has that connection to him. How's Sunhee doing?" Jimin says as he rubs Minyoung's back and gestures towards Seokjin's stomach.

"Great, she's super active. She constantly moves. She's currently trying to shove her foot through my belly button but I don't think she realizes that it doesn't work like that." He laughs and steps forward so Jimin can feel it. He places his hand on his hyung's stomach and feels the little thumps immediately.

"Awwww!" Jimin coos while Minyoung nuzzles her face into his neck while shoving her fingers into her mouth and suckling on them. "Will you hand me her binky? It's in her car seat." Seokjin quickly grabs the Minnie Mouse pacifier and hands it to the younger. "She has a bad habit of sucking on her fingers to the point her skin cracks on them and she's teething, so she's extra fussy." Jimin giggles as he pries her short fingers from her mouth and she whines at the action until she sees the pacifier and eagerly opens her mouth and takes it with a small grunt of approval.

"She's so cute!" Seokjin croons. "I'm excited for when my final little princess to get here and have those moments once again."

"Just be happy you aren't having twins. Taking care of two babies is hard and mine are ten months apart. But we couldn't adjust Minnie's or Jihyun's schedules because they were at different points of development and when Minnie would wake up hungry or with a dirty diaper she'd wake up Jihyun and that was when the real party began." He leans over a bit to ruffle his son's hair, the boy still clinging to Jimin's leg with a little whale plushy hugged close to his chest.

"Hey, Jiji. Do you want to see Uncle Seokjin?" The oldest says as he squats down and reaches his arms out. But the little boy just clings closer to Jimin.

"Why are you being shy, baby?" Jimin says and the one year old just looks up at him with a little pout on his lips that brings out his Yoongi features.

"Ya know, Jihyunnie, I have a bunch of Mario toys you can play with." He says trying to entice the young child. Jihyun looks between the two men as if he's having some sort of internal debate.

"It's okay, baby."

Jihyun still looks unsure and uneasy about leaving his mother's side, he debates a little longer before slowing stepping out on wobbly legs, taking small unsteady steps.

"Awww, good job! Look at you walking! Such a big boy!" Seokjin coos and gets the child to giggle before falling into his arms.


A few hours later

"I don't think that's getting Sunhee's room done." Namjoon laughs as wraps an arm around his pregnant husband's waist and feels around his round stomach.

"Once Jihyun stopped being shy he wanted to play non-stop and Minnie wanted to be held non-stop. So they're all exhausted." Seokjin explains as they look at the view in their living room. Jimin is laying on his side on the floor with his arm slung over his son and daughter. Minyoung has herself pressed into Jimin's chest and Jihyun lays beside her on his stomach, a small spot of drool wetting the blanket laid out on the carpet that they all fell asleep on.

"I still can't believe we're all married with babies. An even bigger shock is that Jimin and Yoongi have three of them." Seokjin giggles and leans back against his husband.

"We'll have three babies once Sunhee comes out." Namjoon softly places kisses on Seokjin's neck and lets his hands roam around his lover's bump.

"Still, we were all so young when we started out, even though we have Nayoung and Sujin, and soon Sunhee, I feel like I raised those boys. Especially Jungkook and Tae and Jimin. And Jungkook is going to have another baby a month after me and he's still a baby in my eyes. But I know he's grown and he's such a good mother. It's just strange to look back on where we were and how far we've come." He sighs, a few tears welling up in his eyes that he quickly wipes away.

"Don't cry, Jinnie." Namjoon coos and turns his husband around and hugs him properly, the older's bump pressing against his own stomach.

"I'm just being hormonal and sentimental." He sniffs and calms down. "Has my mom texted you about the girls? My phone is acting up again and it worries me. My new phone comes in like three more days."

"Mama Soohyun says he wants to keep them for the night, I already told him he could because I think you and I need alone time and you could use the relaxation. You're such a good momma to our girls." Namjoon hums and nuzzles his nose to Seokjin's, hands massaging up and down his sides. "I can order some food, we can take a bath...I can give you a back massage so good that you'll-" Seokjin laughs and lightly slaps his husband's chest to get him to stop.

"Don't get me all worked up with your honied words while our dongsaeng is sleeping on our living room floor with two of his babies. Because if you start something you're going to have to finish it and I'd rather us be alone for that."

"Well, Yoongi left the studio when I did and he said he has to go pick up Mina then he'll be here. Hold out for that long, babe." Namjoon then softly presses their lips together gently, loving the pillowy-ness of his husband's lips. Seokjin breathes out a sigh of satisfaction when Namjoon's lips are working so well on his, but he has to pull away quickly after Namjoon runs the tip of his tongue along his own.

"I'm too hormonal right now." Seokjin pants gently in restraint.

Please hurry up, Yoongi! He thinks.


I'm not exactly sure if this chapter had a point but oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️

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